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Everything posted by TimTaylor751647545500

  1. For $150k, she better. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/us/politics/23palin.html
  2. Sounds good. I'll probably to try catch you before noon because I have a window from 12-5 to have Safelite replace my windshield.
  3. http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif
  4. “I think that having sex with either of you would be a great treat for me… I just got out of a five and a half year relationship…”
  5. Looks like someone playing an electric guitar.
  6. Better than some sober postings around here.
  7. I think one aspect that intrigues me about Mansfield is that Shawshank Redemption and parts of Air Force One were filmed there.
  8. This thread is so awesome, I think I'm going to print it out, take it to a tattoo shop and have it tattooed on my ass.
  9. After doing some debating about this issue, I think my best play is to discuss it with them first and see if they even realize what's going on. Found some good (reasonable) info on this site. http://www.barkingdogs.net/persuadeneigh2.shtml
  10. This is the 3rd one on this windshield and this one is right in my line of sight, so I'm going to have it replaced. Repairing it at this point, wouldn't be safe IMO.
  11. A few friends and I are planning on checking out the Mansfield Reformatory before the end of the month. http://www.mansfieldtourism.com/attractions/ohio-state-reformatory-3
  12. I plan on starting to set up my video camera on my deck and just let it roll before long. Here's a shot of our two houses (theirs circled in red, mine in blue) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/TimTaylor75/house/Yard.jpg I'm definitely not the closest in proximity, but the house closest to them (below them in that picture) also have dogs, ones that you never hear. My bedroom is on the backside of my house, so the sound comes right in and pretty much wakes me up everyday. That and our patio doors are always open which open into our living room, where we can't even really sit and watch tv in peace because of the constant noise. The funny thing is that literally across the street from me is a dog trainer/doggie daycare that at any given time has between 10-30 dogs...that you NEVER hear because she corrects them when they start barking.
  13. Do their (Safelite's) online form, I had to price one for myself today and it came out be much less than I had figured.
  14. My neighbors directly behind me have a dog that barks from the moment they let it outside until they put her back inside. As of right now, the dog has been standing on their deck barking non-stop for about 90 minutes. Makes it somewhat hard to sleep during the day when they allow it to do this as well as even have the windows/doors open because you can't watch tv, eat dinner or screw in peace because of this pain in the ass. This isn't an isolated incident, this is every single time the dog is outside. My questions is, if I were to file a noise complaint, would it actually DO anything? Has anyone had issues like this themselves?
  15. "My name's Ron Burgundy, what's your name?" "Brian Fantana" "Champ Kind" "Brian Fantana" "No, you're Brick...I'm Brian"
  16. Unlike... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/s15driftking/Picture530.jpg
  17. Just plugged in the info on their site and got an online quote of $178. Guess that's less than I thought it would be.
  18. Anyone know of a place I can get a decently priced replacement. Not 3 months ago I changed my comp to $500.
  19. It was pretty scratched up anyways. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/TimTaylor75/Maxima/1021080809.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/TimTaylor75/Maxima/1021080809a.jpg
  20. So you had a lengthy 4 years as a teamster and you can throw out a blanket statement like this? :gtfo: I'd maybe rethink that argument or the phrasing of it because what you said was a huge slap in the face to those that built this country (including my grandfather and step-father who both retired with 30+ years EACH in the unions). I spent a little over 2 years in the Local 423 and have a respect for those that I worked with that apparently you never developed.
  21. "Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention."
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