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Everything posted by TimTaylor751647545500

  1. Lots left including the LT1 and T-56. Let me know what you need.
  2. Good info. I will need to do this once my T-56 is sold (unless I can find someone local).
  3. My Maxima is far from what I would call "fast", but it's comfortable, gets 22 mpg, decent to look at, and nearly paid off. Works well for me.
  4. I get the point of the name, but most junk yards I've been to always remove the motors to sell as a whole prior to releasing the entire car into the lot to be picked over by the public. Thanks anyways.
  5. Anyone know if U-wrench-it pulls motors and trannies? I know everything else is up to the individual, but wasn't sure if they remove motors & trannies prior to letting the public feast on what's left over? Thanks, -Tim
  6. Sorry about not being on here to check the messages. The upper dash pad is the only part that is not available (using in my other car). But everything else, other than the shift boot, is still available.
  7. I was kinda bored at work tonight and came across this cool site. http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates Generates a map of all the states you've visited. There's also a link for Countries as well. Here's mine 23 states = 43%
  8. Well, at least we have the rest of the Blue Jackets season to look forward to...lol
  9. Regardless of who you are rooting for, let's cheer on our kids to a great finish to an amazing season. UF has had a great 2 years with their current squad and I couldn't be happier with our young freshmen that came to tOSU this season. Hopefully everyone remains healthy for the entire game and that it's one filled with highlights that will be remembered for quite some time. GO BUCKS!!!
  10. They're fine while you're paying for their service. Try to cancel it.
  11. Two years ago I had purchased lawn care service from TruGreen Chemlawn for a season of 6 spray applications for my yard. Once those had expired, I had no real desire to continue with their service as it was over $50 each instance. About a month after the last application, I get another bill (they had sprayed again without permission or me making a contract extension). I call to dispute the billing and they informed me that they automatically continue with the service and the billings until you actually cancel them. What I had originally purchased was a special offer of the 6 applications, not continued on-going service. I promptly canceled their service at that point and was waved the last fee. Fast forward to last winter, I began getting calls and mailings about purchasing their service in the spring again and informed them I was not interested. Mostly because these calls would come during the day while I am asleep (I work nights). I HATE getting woke up during the day while I'm sleeping...does not go over well with me. Again, called their office and requested no more contact. 3 weeks ago, another damn phone call during the day, but I was off this time, so I discussed my displeasure about their hounding with their new manager of the local office. Requested (for the 3rd time) to no longer receive any calls or mailings about their service. She promises to update my record reflecting this request. Within the same week, I receive yet another flier. Talk to corporate and make the same request to them (#4 for those keeping track) and again, I get the same promises after being notified they never updated my file. Literally the very next day, I get a call from the local office again from a sales rep, "Yes, Mr. Taylor...we were informed you contacted our corporate office about purchasing our service" WTF...are you kidding me? I ripped into this guy and made request #5. Today: Fast asleep after having worked last night...I am woken up by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I just rolled over and fell back to sleep. Guess who actually came to my residence and left another damn flier Just got off the phone with them again and their 2nd new manager of this year informed me that nothing was documented on my file in regards to solicitations. I am livid at this point and after laying into him for a couple of minutes, I am made the same promises as before. At what point can you actually consider this harassment? Seriously..because I'm f'g fed up with this company.
  12. Welcome. Lived in McDermott when I was younger. Enjoy the site.
  13. Yeah, I do have the arm rest, but the hinge is broken.
  14. The wheels were already sold. A complete updated list of what has been sold is in the first post. Anything else you may need, just let me know. Thanks.
  15. I'd like to come tomorrow, but since I work Saturday nights, it really makes it difficult to make the Sunday meets. It's not going anywhere, so whenever your available. Just PM me and I'll get you my address.
  16. Sorry, no those were sold a few days ago. Anything else you may need, let me know. Nice SS BTW.
  17. Guys, if you have any SBC performance parts, I may be interested to trade.
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