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Everything posted by SPLN SUX

  1. wheres the video of Brian Steve and Scott ghost riding up at D&B?
  2. I was hoping this was going to be a REAL mini...
  3. If i drove 400 miles to a track, and it fuckin rained... id be so pissed...
  4. why when you can just go to canada and buy one off the lot?
  5. http://www.break.com/usercontent/2008/8/Festive-Vandalism-562210.html

    Dont Speed

    I think i had 7 priors... all from 74mph up to 88mph... all in 65 zones. Worst part was, I happen to get nailed by a SHP and not a COC, so the case was "The State of Ohio vs. Nicholas Schall" The judges question to me was, "What is it that I have to do, to get you to understand that you cant speed?"

    Dont Speed

    yea right... knowing CPD... you get pulled over, and its like this... "Sir can i see your hands please... sir your hands... sir... keep your hands out of your pockets... sir, your pockets, keep your hands out of your... "officer down." "
  8. Fedor is a reactive fighter... Andre used to be a instigator but has changed to a reactive fighter as well... i think Andre is going to get bored, do something dumb, and get caught big time.
  9. I almost wrecked just now replying to this post :finger:
  10. WTF shoudl he care... the REAL Cobras are what everyone dreams of having, the kit car is just a toy.
  11. SPLN SUX

    Dont Speed

    So in 2005 i got nabbed at 101mph on 270. Result: 6mnth suspension, $1000 fine, defensive driving class required, prepaid 6mnths insurance upon renewing license (basically another fine), 1yr probation from any other tickets more than 10mph over the posted limit (180 days in jail). Pre-judgment: $94/mnth full coverage through State Farm Post-judgment: (2006) $310/mnth full coverage through Progressive (2007) $271/mnth (2008) $247/mnth (2009) $104/mnth Finally, 4 yrs later, things have gotten back to normal. So what did I learn here? Well, after it was all said and done, that 1 ticket cost me 6 months of inconvenience, a lawyer, and almost $10,000 in fees, fines, and costs of lawyer and extra money paid for high risk insurance. Dont be a fucking retard... learn from my mistake.
  12. SPLN SUX

    Oh shit....

    Well i look at this way... 1. Our economy sucks. 2. Our banks have no money 3. The money we do have isnt worth much 4. We have tons of shit we cant afford 5. Jobs are being eliminated left and right 6. Weve been at war for going on 8 years with no single individual, state or country 7. Illegal immigrants have more rights to our country, than Americans do. 8. New Orleans is STILL fucked up How much worse can Obama really make it...
  13. One of my shift managers quit a few weeks ago, and the that night, his wife was laid off from Walmart. Dumb shit.
  14. Yea, thats one thing you WANT to avoid... being in a lock where your opponent is still up right on his feet... thats when you get slammed.
  15. tried this in 2007... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40379&highlight=Soccer
  16. maybe he won the "Under Construction" Class like 6 yrs in a row...
  17. http://www.break.com/index/crazy-baseball-fan-knocked-off-sign.html
  18. Yea buy an Audi, subaru, Evo or Volvo... AWD + boost... even in the snow, it doesnt matter. Even mine is FWD and isnt all that bad in the Snow... granted it doesnt make anywhere near the power youre talking but the onset curve is so steep with the tiny turbo that it may has well be the same thing. Ive actully been looking into an A4 or S4 lately...
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