So in 2005 i got nabbed at 101mph on 270.
Result: 6mnth suspension, $1000 fine, defensive driving class required, prepaid 6mnths insurance upon renewing license (basically another fine), 1yr probation from any other tickets more than 10mph over the posted limit (180 days in jail).
Pre-judgment: $94/mnth full coverage through State Farm
(2006) $310/mnth full coverage through Progressive
(2007) $271/mnth
(2008) $247/mnth
(2009) $104/mnth
Finally, 4 yrs later, things have gotten back to normal.
So what did I learn here? Well, after it was all said and done, that 1 ticket cost me 6 months of inconvenience, a lawyer, and almost $10,000 in fees, fines, and costs of lawyer and extra money paid for high risk insurance.
Dont be a fucking retard... learn from my mistake.