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Everything posted by recklessOP

  1. i can't believe how stupid some of you are... a lot of these people can barely afford to put food on the table, let alone own a car. they couldn't get out even if they wanted to. besides, i'm sure a lot of you would refuse to abandon everything you own. it's easy to hide behind your keyboard and criticize other peoples' decisions. no one expected it to be this bad. "they shot at the rescue helicopters and while inside the said dome the raped and murder people. no money from me....sorry." the looters and everyone attacking soldiers/relief workers should be shot. lumping everyone else in with these people is beyond stupid. there are thousands of honest, hard working people that will die if someone doesn't help them. people are getting desperate. "but realisticaly, how far does a couple thousand bottles of water go??? A couple hours??? Half a day at best???" if it saved one person's life, would it be worthwhile? "When New York got hit, the state pulled together and recovered quickly." new york city wasn't rendered uninhabitable for several months. some of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. people just like you and me are starving to death while you bitch about gas prices.
  2. because gas went up ~$0.50 a gallon? it'll cost me an extra $8 to fill the tank. hardly the end of the world...
  3. should i be impressed? it might help your credibility if you could spell PORSCHE correctly... i've driven an open wheel formula car, big deal...
  4. busy with school. i'm off for a few weeks now. in fact, i just got home from my last final...
  5. i don't know what's funnier, the review or everyone getting worked up over it...
  6. drunk drivers should die in a fiery crash...
  7. she sounds like the bus driver from south park...
  8. popping your hood like that will only help during your run. the car is going to heat soak when you park it regardless. if you're beating on the car, leave the engine and fans running for a minute or two after your run... if you're pegging the temperature gauge in the middle of an autox run, something is WRONG...
  9. that'd be perfect. how much do you want for them? not looking to spend much...
  10. if your mostly stock engine is overheating during a 45 sec autox run, you have a serious problem...
  11. i need one for a few measurements, and i don't have time to tear my own car apart... 94+ originals or stock replacements would be preferred. worn/blown parts are fine. only need one... anyone? smile.gif
  12. they weren't using the oval, only the infield road course... more info: http://forums.pelicanparts.com/showthread.php?s=0d2f4cb1f06fab084733ff291268ffbc&threadid=224465&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
  13. are you sure? yellow was an option iirc... smile.gif
  14. IRS, bigger brakes, bigger wheels/tires, intercooler/heat exchanger, 4V heads, supercharger, etc... 3700 pounds is about right... smile.gif
  15. recklessOP


    next time read the thread...
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