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Everything posted by nization

  1. Just a gold honda civic I bought as a beater and no longer need. It has a short throw shifter installed, 15" three spoke rims, aftermarket header and full exhaust installed. Aftermarket struts in the front. The rears should be replaced. Clear marker lights and turn signals. Blue LED washer lights that I disconnected for the moment, but they work and I can connect them again to work. It's not the cleanest of cars, but it starts, runs and drives fine. It smokes out the tail pipe a bit too. I have an extra head, vavles and intake that will come with the car as well. It had an aluminum wing and clear tail lights on it when I bought the car, but I have since removed them. I still have them if anyone's interested for $50 tail lights and $70 for the wing. obo Please call me if you're interested or have any questions. 614-327-2298. I live in westerville. Thanks for lookin' ~Miles [ 29. August 2004, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Random Nization 7 ]
  2. LMAO. It is great comedy. Very mindless to the point that I refused to subject myself to it a while back. Then I started working 2nd shift and it came on after some other anime I was watching and I never changed the channel. Now I can't get enough ATHF. sick man, sick....
  3. That totally sux, TJ. Real sorry to hear about the loss. Nah, drag the f*ck out to the street, then shoot the f*cker.
  4. Columbus racing does not condone illegal street racing Welcome to the board, man. I do not know anyone running 20lbs of boost in a cavalier, personally. Anything possible, however, as I'm sure, we all know. A better question to that would prolly be "Do you regularly run 20 pounds of boost in the cavalier. If so, how?"
  5. Weaklings. tongue.gif Yeah, call centers in general suck. All places of employment (last I checked) hold your first paycheck through the first pay period before you get it. Call tech just has a two week traning period and they don't submit the pay untill you get out of training. It sux if you're hard up for cash, but that's life, child. I am currently part time, (have another full time job now) and will be leaving once I pickup my new car so I can work half as often deliverin' pizza to make the same cash here. But it's deffenitly not the worst place in columbus to work, just not for everyone. (posting from calltech now )
  6. I'm interested. Do we have a link yet, or a price?
  7. I'm interested. Do we have a link yet, or a price?
  8. What time? I need to cruise in the vert today, it's too nice not to, and the demon 7 is but half a motor currently.
  9. What thrift shop is this I hear about, anyway?
  10. Sounds about what I would like to do someday. Though, I WILL finish my GXL-II project before I seriously start thinking about another project (already, I've brokent that rule with my vert...) Hell, what Berto said about the beater...I have a "beater" RX-7 that has no major plans for her, just an n/a for reliability and it'll be good on the track while the GXL-II is being completed. I've looked into doing the 20B (cosmo engine) swap into an FD or an FC. Don't know that I'll actually get around to doing it just yet, but I know some of the 'major' customizing you'll have to look into about it. Obviously, the easiest thing will be to go with a rebuilt 13B for the FD chasis. Good luck on your project, man.
  11. You should work someplace cool like CALLTECH! graemlins/gay.gif heh heh. I have to admit, it's not too bad, though. I can surf the forum all day long between calls no matter what color the websites are. today is esspecially cool I have a timer running to see how long I go without a call. Been no less than 25 minutes between calls so far today. Verizon DSL has go their shit together this sunday morning, yo!
  12. ^^ n00b was not hear for the discusion on new logo.
  13. I voted for the new look. All white websites hurt my eyes. Too much light. I am that anoying prick that always turns the brightness and contrast down to about 30% or so on any computer I use
  14. I still say I like the colors in here. Lets's make it look like this outside too.
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