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Everything posted by nization

  1. I can get them. Just need hosting space, or I could just post them on cardomain.
  2. Like the title says, I'm wondering if anyone happens to have an unlimited carfax? Lemme know please, if you do. Thanks Miles
  3. Lowered the asking price. Like I said in the edit, I just want to get this out of my way.
  4. One tire is cupped a bit, but I still have all four. Take 'em off my hands (and out of my living room!) for $50 OBO.
  5. Still have this guys. I'll emphasize the O.B.O. part for ya.
  6. I was just thinking that it may be worth about $75 to me.... I'll see what my father thinks, since he's always wanting to haul out-door material with my explorer, this may be just what I need. I'll let ya know sometime today or this weekend.
  7. Not a whole lot, really. I'll have to look to see what's fair, but I was hoping for $50 - $100 depending upon condition and whether it's LCD or not... What would you like to get from yours?
  8. Could be flat panel or not. Not a big deal to me, but my one monitor is flickering, and this one's out of focus. I can adjust this one, I beleive, but I've been meaning to pickup a new one anyway, and figured I'd see if anyone had a good deal to offer before I buy a new one. Thanks Miles
  9. Basically, yes. The car was great up until it began to require the clutch cable to be adjusted. When it got to the point that i could not adjust it anymore, i stopped driving it and replaced the cable. Unfortunately, the cable did not fix the problem, so i returned the new cable and posted the car for sale.
  10. 1990 Subaru Legacy L. It's FWD, 5spd... Nothing special. Brand new tires on the front, good on the back. Brand new alternator as well. Almost has 190,000 miles on it, and the engine's still running quite strong. Transmission shifted smoothly untill the recent trouble, as well... It was a great daily beater untill the clutch stoped releasing on me. I believed it to be the clutch cable, however, when I replaced it, that did not fix the problem. I returned the new cable when I decided I'm tired of this car now. I know I donot have the time to replace the clutch right now, and have recently decided to cut down on my car count (still at 7 currently...) I was thinking that if someone would like to take her off my hands for around $200 OBO, that would be great. I would like to just focus on my 7 this year and not mess around with a constant flux of daily beaters. I'll just settle for the Exploder again for a while. Though, if someone feels that there may be something simpler that I could have overlooked, or would like to help motivate me to replace the clutch components, and offer a place to do it, that would not be out of the question either.... Anyone interested, please email me at nization@yahoo.com or call me at 614-327-2298. Thanks ~Miles edit: Price lowered to $200. I just need to move this car. [ 18. March 2005, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Random Nization 7 ]
  11. nization

    Tuesday Feb 8th

    Sounds good to me. I'm about to leave work myself. (phone's in the truck, if you've tried to reach me, bro. I'll call ya in a bit.)
  12. Denied! Was cock-blocked by the server-ass when I brought the pizza in! >:-(
  13. If I can get ahold of someone and comfirm y'all are still out, I'll bring a pizza.
  14. Plans have changed and we are now (yes, right now) at cheese burger paradise.
  15. I'll swing by when I get off work sometime between now and 11:00. If anyone's there and you don't see anyone, feel free to call me on either my regular cell or @ 316-7029.
  16. Anything goin' on at 10 still? I'll be working untill about 9...
  17. Provided I don't have any work obligations, I'm up for goin'. I missed last year's event and don't wanna miss this one.
  18. Any of those motherboards support an AMD Athlon XP 1800+?
  19. Interested. Do we have any time or place yet?
  20. nization


    Fine. You'll just miss out on what's going on now!
  21. That ROCKS I hate that shit that you've gotta have an internet connection just to play single player mode! I upgraded my PC yesterday, and got the game. when I went to install it, I had to goto Veritas' house last night around 2 AM to setup and see how I can play. Unfortunatly, I've got the Geforce4 FX 5200. It plays and looks great, but there's issues with the video and sound pausing for a couple moments at a time frequently. So a new Video card is deffenitly on my list. Anyone got one available for sale? 8-)
  22. Is it a V8 or V6? What color's the interior? Do the seats have lumbar support? What size are the wheels/tires? It's prolly an auto, isn't it? I figure answering these questions may help you to sell it even if I'm not interested anyway. I don't really know how interested I am in it, but I have a '98. May look into seeing how swapable parts are.
  23. Looking for a Nextel phone in good condition. I need a color phone, the one I'm interested in, should I buy new will be the i730, so if anyone happens to have a good deal on one of them or better, that'd be excellent. Please email me with any offers at nization@yahoo.com Thanks
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