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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. Must see beowolf when it's done I just saw one of these looks bad Gl with hunt Pm jelloman on here he is a wealth of ar knowledge and might be able to steer you in the right direction
  2. Have a 4cly mustang pump in a tool box it's yours if you can use it
  3. Goto a real hardware store or a wood working store And buy what fits.. There is a wood working store off Taylor station very nice and nice guys too
  4. Wait that pic of the bro is really 2point slow? Bwahahahahahahah don't try to look like a badass man with your hat all crooked like your a thug cuz well thugs don't spend their life on cr
  5. In true fashion this never happened huh?
  6. There is a reason they went to Maf Obviously using a meter to delegate the fuel is better IMO for drivability sd is just the cheap way to not have to do it
  7. NTHER91


    You know he spent that 50 on new parts cuz he keeps breaking shit
  8. Where do you work? Not looking for referral or to screw him out of a job just a question Also man Huntington is always hiring and they pay pretty good well better than waiting tables just go to Huntington.com
  9. Place off McKinley does it but not in walking distance
  10. What is all this used for well the mixers? Like dj stuff?
  11. Sorry man no offense was ment I know you can shift, I was just using them as an example. My car is a whore... when it's out there and you want a crack at it you're more than welcome. Another one is mike n.
  12. Since you don't know me be gone bitch.. And I asked him that cuz I will never ever be able to be as small as him or weigh as much as I'm 6'8" you low life Internet bastard. Go fuck with people who care what your opinions are. You and the slowest ls car ever made go somewhere else On my worst day I can out drive you in anything and on anything this is truth. This will be the last time I adress you as you are one of those poor fools that really cares whats on the Internet. So don't be mad your not one of the cool kids, you never will be.
  13. Was gonna say quench in oil if anything Not inside will flame up
  14. I miss you but you always quiver when I hug you Text us this weekend or Friday we will do something
  15. The vette forum guys were right, they look fine as stated roast them and in they are s Inning in the wheel then do yourself a favor and put some studs in them. Don't want the tire coming off at any speed
  16. All these threads are helpful to like 4 people and they aint in here hahaha That being said I do like hearing the opinions of the real gun guys like twisted and Austin
  17. NTHER91


    Youll need tires befor you need suspension stuff be careful about putting the good shit on it it will put you out of a low class unless your just doing the track days then disregard anything I said
  18. NTHER91


    Huge deal here do this Do not pass this up Sucks to hear your out of fun racing( this is the reason I won't use a auto) good luck with autocross
  19. Damn that was my claim to fame here faster than you now I'm no one .. Next year your gonna be my shifter monkey cuz besides turner you two are the smallest people I trust and can bang a gear like me
  20. Sounds awesome Now I want a turbo that thing spools instantly and your in boost forever!!!!! Love it!!!!! And Ant he will make the same amount of passes you made in that decade in a year so he's good lol
  21. Just check you were close so a diff converter would prolly got ya 10's so I retract my smirk
  22. You can drive my car next year then retract that statement
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