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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. Don't know how long that "you mad" shit has been going on or if Sam or Tilley started it but its already wore out.. And with all the recent people posting about how good looking they are, I just doubt anything funny will be posted. It's like watching 8th graders in a talent show, and they are all doing the same thing... Armpit farts!!! This was not a battle attempt And I've always thought that the way killjoy signs his posts was so damn annoying like we don't know who just posted it. Nther91
  2. 80k per year isn't a lot of money in Columbus Ohio? 99% of this board dosnt make that. Hell, I'd go as far as to say 99% of Columbus dosnt make that guess we are all poor shmucks.
  3. If I didn't have over 1k in gauges and a custom panel already this would be damn cool to use I like itnkeep up the good work
  4. So you go running at her then your cock snaps and you plant face first into the ground and your asshole gets flung up in the air? I'm coming over to see this!!!
  5. So. I am not stating opinions like most in here.
  6. Still waiting for a text ready when you are
  7. s&w 500 or go home at least thats what i conceal but im no pussy like you
  8. I want it will pm you for meet up tomorrow
  9. Put a light on it to make sure Retarded will have rough idle and have no power Advance will have no power till up top I think headers glow with one of them too Hopefully someone will chime in with a deffinitive answer
  10. NTHER91


    Finally someone wants to race and everyone is backing out looks like... Sigh Phil I'll run ya as soon as I get my car together
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6622416 Only thing I could find was stonum DUI and the coach took care of his career...indefinite suspension.. So my original comment stands.. And don't think I'm getting all high and mighty cuz our team still needs a lot of work we just don't have the thugs and retards that osu has
  12. That last link was to the topic of Pryor so I'll wait for you
  13. Advance the timing will cause the motor to run lean I believe And visa versa
  14. That is cool but he is asking for plate ideas for him
  15. typical OSU fan NOTHING GOOD what about the school who paid for his education and his moms cars? I dont see UofM going through this stuff ..OSU = NO class
  16. Where are you in Columbus? Is this sold?
  17. Since this was the fastest car around for a long time and will still drag most around he should have like first og or something but I am deff glad to see him talk shit again.. Now let's get Howard in on it and no one on this board can compete in the shit talking arena The turners rule all in that dept Hahahahahhahha
  18. Oh yea 1" 7/8 ball. Also has removable front wheel chock
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