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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. NTHER91

    Zombies now

    Black ops zombies right now Fat sayjack on 360 Friend me or invite
  2. I don't get the lure I mean yea it's cool and with no laps yea ok but....?????
  3. Check and make sure your bulb socket isn't burnt up
  4. NTHER91

    My new

    Glock uses that same takedown so maybe this a new glock s&w ...... So much hate for the sigma but I'll bet three of the people on here have actually shot them not just read what Scott says. That being said no I don't own one
  5. I went thru armed2defend it's 50$ and a one day course was way worth he has a web site go to it and do it
  6. most high hp cars jus bite it and go spool the tru trac wont hold long with those power levels auburn is a great one or the more expensive detroit ones
  7. air gas sells them on green lawn also valley gas look em up call them
  8. you guys do piss excelence
  9. i love my gen 4 g 22 so much so its my ccw
  10. are you applying brakes when this happens?
  11. if not i have a set of heads that you can have can drop off at dynotune if he ever answers the phone
  12. look in a mag they are 699 all day every day
  13. Worst stk I've ever had got the surf and turf wasn't cooked right and was 80$ don't ever eat there
  14. The 10 mm is amazing look into it..
  15. Wife just bought a Mac book pro and an I Mac and I Got an iPad which is what I'm posting with it's a toy but I like it... Just cuz I made fun of you and your Mac fan boy stuff.. Crow isn't good
  16. 25 yr old cars got me thinking jones ... What did Audi make 25 hrs ago that still has a huge following? Or even half the aftermarket.. I like the cars (Audi) just as anything they have a stereo type that drive them.. Mustang is grove city audi is can't afford amg ...
  17. Yet I didn't even bring them up ... Does your family think your extra cool cuz of your Internet skills? Or do they know how u act on here ?? I'll bet when you read this you will have an " offline" or text conversation about this thread,,, did you read what that douche typed ... Insignificant dot dot dot
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