Departed is a must
invention of lying was ok
rightous kill was good
death race is worth it
Kung Fu hustle is good in it's own way better than ninja assassin
If the retards can take race out of the equation then something might get done... I think he just needs his grass mowed more. And I don't think there are as many aliens as you think on our welfare or social programs as one might think. If they would just take the time to become a citizen they can still work there 6 jobs so I don't have to flip burgers or clean retards cig butts off the ground.
I may have a diff view on this seeing as my father in law did obtain his citizenship the corect way and made something of himself aka the American dream.
Oh and I'm going to start to vote now so I can vote this Coleman guy out of office. Maybe he should start drinking like his wife
It said they are staffed so they are maximized meaning that they can do thier job efficiantly not so they can maximize the public travel time..
Also your other points are hanging on for dear life, you are inturpretating(sp?) not quoting at this point and I am not going to argue your opinion on a matter cuz I don't care
No where in that mission statement does it say they have to serve you..
Serving the community by catching murderers or druggies and street racers or just f body drivers yes but to be AAA nope... What happens if he's out helping you and 2 blocks away where he was going to go some old lady get car jacked and dies cuz you can't push a Honda 25 ft?
On the other hand fuck upper Arlington pd they are nothing but over paid mall cops with a gun they are way too political
I think this is a story about fat people not poor or black people
so bc can't comment on this at all cuz he isn't fat
nor is he poor ... And sexual chocolate is black sorry bc you are yet again a minority
Holy crap that engine bay is cleaner than mine when I had the motor out and painted it
I HATE HATE HATE F-Bodys ........but that car is stupid nice cleanest i've seen and you will get close if not your whole asking price hope the next owner treats it like you did
you prolly should have won the car show Ant did he had people on the inside helping haha GLWS
bought my dad a 9mm highpoint cuz thats what he wanted, I picked the gun up and shook it ( no idea why) and it seemed like there was loose parts, I owned a Styre s9 and that thing never rattled with over 3000 rounds through it just saying
Don't worry bout that KID he is young and has a keyboard so he automatically thinks his opinion is right oh and he's super cool on the Internet ask him
It does.... And I highly doubt you have had it anyway
Rob are the free ? Well if I get a new job I'll order from ya
and Josh act like you won't try the bacon