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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. NTHER91

    Just ordered

    http://www.lollyphile.com/products/mixed-packs-teetotaller Anyone ever get them or anything like em? Will be here in 6 to 9 days they better be good as they were 22 bucks for 10 if anyone does order some enter in the discount code 20percent it does work an it does give ya 20% off when I ge them I'll review them
  2. I'm sure it is just the user cuz phones don't ever mess up. And how dare you speak I'll of the almighty droid or insert another fanboy phone or os
  3. Pornhub works on iPhone And a few others so go toot that horn elseware
  4. NTHER91

    Man pussy

    Ou guys sit right next to eachother do you hold hands? I'd hold yalls hand
  5. NTHER91


    And he is over there risking his life so you can talk shit about what he believes in so thank him anyway And if you don't like it here go somewhere else or change it don't just be a bitch and complain. If you choose to not help fix what you see as the problem you are part of the issue. I hope your current prez is only a one term prez. I can't afford him anymore
  6. NTHER91

    $66K Tires

    Ahahhahaha ricart people still shop there? Hmmm ok
  7. I didn't make a thread when it was my b day Jesus are you staved for attention? I wish I did make a thread I need that validation
  8. Jason if you need the stuff I can get it for ya like the gun and shit.. Lemme know yes I have tools I've never used before
  9. NTHER91

    370Z Fail

    God Clark stop posting on the Internet like you used to do and get back to work. This is a no lurker zone pal
  10. You're asking for a signature loan and you have to have above a 720 with Huntington at least and most of the time the least amount you can get is 5000. I'll be honest with ya if you don't have colateral and a 5 yr credit history you won't get this loan even if you have "good credit" cuz you prolly don't have enough don't even try Huntington cuz we don't loan to no one right now plus all the apps your gonna be putting in will hurt you.. You're better off getting a loan from family or friends or open a credit card
  11. Good job Brian... Your the only guy I know that can bang a gear better than me
  12. So 10$ per hr flat rate? Is this a super busy shop? Are there very good benifits to make up for lack of pay?
  13. NTHER91

    Sirius Investment

    Hey will isn't your brother a finacial advisor or a wiz at this stuff I knew I was missing something
  14. That thing held up well for a vet I mean dang I thought they splintered at any sign of pressure
  15. Umm Austin you are wrong Leo's as you call them are required well at least franklin county are to stop at accidents if they would be first on scene. But you may be pulling you info from a diff state or country
  16. Umm Austin you are wrong Leo's as you call them are required well at least franklin county are to stop at accidents if they would be first on scene. But you may be pulling you info from a diff state or country
  17. I can appreciate what you're saying Brian and it's perfectly normal and fine. I guess you can say I haven't grown up yet.. Booyaa now let's go corn hole us a drunk
  18. I'm not saying I'm some super badass i answered his question. If it makes you feel threatened by me I'm sorry you are just on the oposite end of the man spectrum ( that's the end filled with excuses). No really it's just how I am there are people in the world who feel the need to protect and to help, it's not for everyone and th reason why it's not for everyone is real easy I need someone to sew me up from getting shot or stabbed and someone to make sure my iPhone has Internet and serve me ice tea
  19. Better story if she was blowing you or good rule of thumb.. ALL good stories end in anal. Period
  20. Apparently you are a master of the Internet and all new things since 1990 that get put on the web have to passed through you for the OK. Cuz dammit I've never heard of him till today but i'm not a super gamer or nerd. At least I know it's not a mutha fucking re post!!!!!!
  21. Run hoses from your valve stems on your tires with a button..= air down tires and forced air.. I know don't thank me I gave you two for one
  22. It's only a few days late this is the guy who wrote the end song for Portal
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