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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. might go ill text you rob
  2. Sigh Man that's just to much I apreciate the thought but I couldn't I already owe u too much
  3. The coupe will not be there as I'm broke and can't get a trailer to brin the car up
  4. I seem to remeber that cougar making u cum sam, lol
  5. I've had two back surgeries thus far and the same disc keeps popping out, get it taken care of quick. the nerve damage that was done from mine is perm. Sometimes I can't pee poop, walk, all cuz my nerves are on fire. I walked around like an s for 6 months I do not suggest it lol. But I am an extream case. As they put me on oxycotin 80's for my pain
  6. I hit it, it go boom and I miss your musk and those flowing locks
  7. It dosnt look like u deal in cheap stuff but know where I can get a cheap mild set of 4" and 5x7's at I'd like to be around 50 for both but no luck so far brand don't care just not auto zone And very nice man I'd be interested in a link or post up a schedual of these shows
  8. Who ever suggested southbend isn't qualified to change oil. And proper brake in is a must my spec holds 200 more ft lbs than that car makes and it's only a spec 3 not even a 3+
  9. How's the posi track in a plymoth work?
  10. Rob I think u think he has more power than he does , I mean the guy is in meetings all day lol
  11. Sigh, I'm done with this thread space ghost why did u stick your nose in this? I don't give u shit cuz you wrecked a bike being an idiot. somehow my lack of use of simple punctuation brings out the douche bags. If u can't read without it being perfect then don't struggle. Just don't read it.
  12. 99 yes basically I work in Columbus it happened in w.v.
  13. Now see if you would have taken the time to make your post like this I would have had some respect for you. Tyler, I owe ya a beer or fudge round.
  14. The diff being I could care less what my post on here look like. I have to worry about it at work. Plus it's fun to get these fools all worked into a frenzy while I poop
  15. Who are you again? If your going to critique it fix it don't be lazy like the last guy show me and the four other people who don't care if you breath what I did wrong. Oh please show me how to use a comma and a period mrs. The haze. Don't be lazy about it you took the time to tell me I don't know how to type ..... As I said fix it,show your interweb friends how leet you are by sick burning me. Then ask your self this will you be hanging out with friends and bring this thread up and joke and laugh about how dumb I am? Yea that make you the bees knees pal.
  16. Sigh, Im not saying I didn't miss a . Here and there but out of that whole story that's what you got out of it? Man you're a dick. Now I know why they don't like you. Go throw your grammer mantrum somewhere else. It's not like I invited you into this thread if you don't like it leave go into the gun area and dream about being a bad ass
  17. You are an idiot! Now tell me I didn't use any punctuation in the first post
  18. I was going to say something witty but since the highlight of your day is to critique my Internet message board post, and offer nothing to it but this lazy attempt. I feel you are not worth it
  19. It dosnt matter I forgot where I was
  20. So I'm at work and I am doing my job I arm a bank and then get some interior motion alarms from it so I call and then dispatch police , they get there and find a door wide open. I'm like WTF ok I'll get a key holder out there to lock the bank up, well while I'm doing this they as in west virgina's finest take a look around and get themselves locked inside the employee lounge! Lol so the key holder had to free the popo.
  21. thanks all turns out the guy my dad uses is gonna do the work it just needs repaired not replaced
  22. Seeing as I don't have 4000 I might be doing this DIY style I'm learning that some hvac guys would rape thier mom
  23. Sam it's very doable du to your forcing air in it the tb isn't that big of an issue at that point .. I'd say u won and I'd prove it but I'm at work
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