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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. hey man i work at tuffy on east main by golden corral we can do it i can prolly get youin for like 60 or 70 cell is 218 8014 Eric
  2. Berto, when I go to work tomorrow, I can check the rates where I am now. Do you have a work email? if so, let me know and I can answer questions quicker that way. BTW I'm back in the branch now. ~Jenn
  3. truth... i want some of both of them
  4. NTHER91

    Busa owners

    in person the white one wasnt as good looking as the pics just my opinion though
  5. FUck i clicked it again ok i like the song
  6. no shit jp swapped sevens are becomming like zo6's down here
  7. NTHER91

    To the dick on 270.

    when was the last time you raced anything at all?
  8. LOL its gotta be thanks jesse < not the smartest just remember alot
  9. 144 and storage is my best
  10. i cant belive im saying this typical kids though havent you ever seen a kid blow up a frog or torture a cat. Clark does your brother do this stuff (prolly not and i understand hes prolly got alot more to be fucked up about than this dirtwad) This guy was prolly an ass before war hell be one after. now move on
  11. i want some cookies!!!
  12. 1st: Skill is not always involved with making money. I.E. Mr. Smith is homeless and is determined to buy him a meal (or a beer), he stands on the corner of Broad and High and begs for money till he gets said amount needed. That takes no skill what so ever (if he didn't know how to spell he could have someone else write the sign for him). Or Ms. Lee works at Mcdonalds and is sick of her minimum wage paycheck so she decides to try and save money to earn money. She saves the loose change from all of her purchases and decides to put invests in a CD once she has reached $1000. She will get return from that CD then decides a different on a investment (i.e. stock) and gets a return on that.... etc. That is determination, not skill because even when it comes to the stock trade to make (potentially 'mad money') she can go to a broker. 2nd: If you scored so well on a test and boast about said score, you might want to state the name (or acronym) correctly. It's the ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. 3rd: If you are attacking Scott for his lack of 'understanding' in a subject, why not inform!?! Do you tend to listen to people who attack you about your grammar? (obviously not) You are not going to change anyones mind by attacking them personally or their beliefs. Just because you don't agree with something he says does not mean that he is wrong! Look at Tilly's origional response to my question... "as it is my opinion that there is presently insufficent evidence to support such a claim. Of course, there are plenty of studies that demonstrate an increase in particular symptomatology in association with the initiation of a psychotropic agent." When it comes to drugs/medication that obviously chages the chemical make up of the body (ESPECIALLY the mind) it is extremly difficult and almost impossible to conduct a study on a population of induviduals who are of the exact same checmical make up and/or experienced the same situations. You can come pretty close, but not exact. Cliffs: No skill is required to make money. Don't say you did well on a test that doesn't exist. Don't attack someone personally for a 'lack of understanding', simply inform and your day might go a bit easier. Thanks, Jenn
  13. Thanks for the response. I know what the defense team is trying to do, just wondered in your experience if you'd be able to support the claim. I personally don't think that the jury would buy the mitigating factor... I also think that any good defense team could come up with such a factor for each person that was ever prosecuted (stupid DSM IV-TR). Again, thanks for the opinion ~Jenn p.s not that i'm defending anyone but Thorn ANY idiot can make money... they just have to be determined!
  14. Tilly, if you were called to court as a psych expert would you be able to defend the 'Lexapro cliam' that they are insinuating? Can you redirect to any studies of the effects of Lexapro? I'd be interested to see. Thanks, Jenn (aka PonyPimpstress)
  15. NTHER91

    Tech needed

    im working on getting my ase's but dont have any yet (current job is paying for them) so i guess ill wait till i get some so i cvan be worth more
  16. NTHER91


    see guys its that easy. and who cares about their post count anyway?NERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. NTHER91


    some people are trying to be funny but really what will they do when cr is down? ill bet that someone in this thread that posted before me will be the first to post after its up besides chris (since he is doing it)
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