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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. so it looks like the only one you can absolutly trust is yourself
  2. looks to be a cool build man keep us updated
  3. tom your the only one in this thread so far that can afford one lol
  4. why buy that from walmart when ... http://www.autosavant.net/2007/12/smart-car-sales-in-us-will-easily.html
  5. it seems there are alot of diff opinions about this subject its kinda like a crap shoot when you take it to places do your own homework and talk to each and everyone that was mentioned its your money treat it like your interveiwing them for the job (which they are)
  6. It's called business. People are just mad cuz they dont get to see any money from it. If people dont buy Chase stock they should the last company Jamie owned (Citi) turned into a $100 a share company. Chase does charge for alot of stuff, but have you ever thought of askign them to waive any of it? If any company should be thought of as evil its the utilities how many of you know that its in the law books that they are pomised that every year they have to make a 4% profit (not sure about the %) the Feds state that they can raise thier prices so they can meet that . Chase isnt perfect but if you dont like it go somewhere else Chase dosnt make anyone do anything its your choice (yes you can go refi your loan with another bank)
  7. 1975 gmc gas dump truck with no pipes
  8. Nate i think Adam really does have MAN-LOVE for you. Clark, well, he's just Clark
  9. im not quite sure about the loan part of it but there is no fee for to pay a credit card online im currently at work (aka chase) and know this for a fact but if this is an installment loan then i cant speak to that cuz i dont know
  10. i got mine done at fast(in my ford) and was very happy with it but im sure dave^^ knows more about buick than me and where to go
  11. I have been playing the crap out of III Knights of Cydonia is by far my favorite song to play on it. Bump for great deal.
  12. I here tommy Lee Jones is mad cuz he wasnt asked to do Two-Face
  13. you guys need to start your pissing match in the kitchen rob does all his own work eddie pays out the ass for someone lese to do it ^^ there is your topic
  14. Crap, when i get off work ill call ya Nate to see if you'uns are still there. Matt, you need to dance all night long!
  15. tell him he makes you look like ben winkler then http://www.shootonline.com/go/media/articles/CabbagePatch_Geico_thumb46ded1ce38ef3.jpg
  16. thats not true you just need to get up to 180 before he does lol
  17. http://www.vogelzang.com/barrel_stoves.htm Like this one how well would a 55 gallon drum ware? would i be replacing them often,or would i be good burning wood only in them for a few years? basically can you show me the pros or cons of heating my 2 1/2 car garage this way? garage is made of brick
  18. things remembered in eastland mall can do it or you can go to the trophy shop in groveport on main before you get to little italys
  19. i like that song better than the original
  20. are you seriously whinning now? i get it your pissed so would i but i know when i'm beat
  21. god did clark get you to do it lol
  22. i wouldnt cut the bracing if you can get them free in trade then sell them and put that money to the ones for a vert
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