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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. Harry Buffalo.... I think it taste like kool-aid when other people make it. If you want to get rid of the taste of the strong stuff, just add more punch. ~Jenn
  2. thats got to be like 8 kurics
  3. with that much poo she has to be dead
  4. once your warranty runs out on the sti youll be fixing it with autozone parts too lol
  5. Nate, from now on i will make my posts just like that for you, and you alone.
  6. Nate why arnt you in school
  7. So your broke, and your making fun of me cuz i spend money on my bike? I'm not even starting into a political debate cuz YOUR 20, your veiws are that of your parents still. Lastly why would you wish harm on me, well basically death, to wreck at 200mph? That in itself shows that you are young and not worthy. Don't try to be Hefty he might be a tool but at least he grew out of it and dosn't take this stuff personal. If my intention was to offend you i would, I was just stating the facts. You fail at this kitchen thread
  8. wow i guess it just takes time to find out who the tools are lol
  9. you said to flame you and thats all i got?!? God your dumb are you really 20?
  10. that looks like one of those pay to hunt camps
  11. well since all you do is post bullshit and dont contribute anythign i think its fitting so get a life
  12. " i dont have to prove that i am right i just have to prove that you are wrong" way to still not answer the what did he do for the economy
  13. adam thats my dog in your sig, poser! mamma he dosnt want any cheese he wants to cuddle
  14. she will nto be prez its still to much of a good ole boys club
  15. Adam this thread sucks now... the thread didnt envolve anyone but me and adam so everyones elses opinion about the standings isnt needed, they are entitled to it, but why do we need yet another thread about this damn subject jesus who cares anymore
  16. christ dont crap in this thread if your not going to add anythign useful
  17. see there is your mistake in thease post have i said that UofM is better than osu this yr, not once. i just said they suck and hope they lose your attempt to start or win this argument has failed ALOT. Due to im not your normal osu fan like you, cuz if Mich sucks ill be the first one to admit it but ill never stop loving them. You on the other hand want someones heart on a pole if they lose a season. You sir are what i consider a fairweather fan
  18. the fact that he represents them on her ei understand but he actually didnt do any work on your shit from what i gather. jsut saying you are flamming someone for their recomendation not his work. thank you for posting it as that what this portion is for just saying instead of makign this thing personel tell him his co-workers suck
  19. your an idiot and have no idea what your talking about nto about football just anything. The fact that you say im stupid cuz you dont like what i said shows how slow you are and to tim and the other nut swingers im faster than you and since this is a racing board " I WIN"
  20. osu sucks they got lucky and somehow they got in the NC which i wont say they WILL lose bt i hope they do. That is something that Mich couldnt do this yr but since you keep calling me not smart cuz im a Mich fan then i dont know how to say sorry
  21. seems i was wrong about you then I'm Sorry
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