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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. NTHER91

    Ron Paul

    whos payroll are you on mike i like what he stands for but again they all lie he just lies less
  2. yea what he said and if i had a sway bar (even a stock one) it would handle pretty good i love the reds and might be looking to change them in the future (coil overs) so who knows i would kepe the c springs though i love mine
  3. NTHER91

    Ron Paul

    also isnt government supposed to be a part time job is he for that?? cut his pay in half? ill start voting when one of the politicians dosnt lie (they all do and always will)
  4. that is deff the signature of the guy who signed it
  5. NTHER91

    Ron Paul

    has anyone actually read the constitution taxes are against that law its a fact
  6. cage will do the same along with subframe connectors
  7. MM is awsome when it comes to there suspension stuff for fox body's hopefully jason (twisted focus) will respond i have koni reds on mine and if i had sway bars i think it would handle like a dream i know koni yellows are awsome i think your on the right track
  8. you no longer have any clothes up in columbus
  9. typical osu fan 6the girl slam was a joke so you get over yourself and im not a sore winner i guess cus UM has won the last two games (hope we win more) i know osu's record i was posting to get you/osu fans all heated cuz when UM loses its front page news they win its like 8th page and yu guys are like SO they wont win agian so neennenenenenene
  10. not to you i mean your a doctor we need more just wish they didnt complain cuz they are only making 300 k this yr
  11. back in the day MSU was a really tough team they have gotten worse as it seems UM did but we dont run aournd looking for a replacement cuz we have something to prove so we can sleep at night osu fans seem like the nerd in school that got beat up for 13 yrs and now that they grew up, got taller, started workign out, got a good job they want to show EVERYONE how cool they are
  12. so if a doctor makes 100k a yr and has 200k in loans why dosnt the doctor stop buying 400k houses and a benz and pay off his shit quicker of course this dosnt reflect anyone on cr but your a doctor its your fault you have so much debt live with it
  13. like girls know anything about the man sport of football, jeesh!!! and yes michigan state are our rivals osu fans dont seem to get it cuz they dont like thier rivals being OU if you have ever gone to a UM vs. MSU game you would understand until you do just sit back
  14. there is so much hate for UM on this board that if Um was to go undefeated this yr you so called fans would come up with the "monday morning quarterbacking" and say they were givin it and there schedual was weak BLAH BLA BLah. every one knows osu's schedual is weak this yr, I'm not gonna lie about it UM has alot of work to do but i hope they are getting better they did look better, and for everyone on here that is talking shit that we always bring up the last ten yrs stats well hmmm thats cuz we didnt start likeing our team when cooper left..GO BLUE
  15. i didnt think he raced, boy is my face red
  16. i have the cx2 and the cp pro 110 is a good price they have all diff kinds of bodies and stuff for them aluminum parts so they wont break easly
  17. i own you all not because of what i ate but i ate dinner 4 times last night so HA
  18. to be fair we all own the streets TAX money so HA!!!! and thease threads are lame cuz no one has or ever will race them
  19. i guess its just who you are to him hes never been anything but cool to me nut then again i am not out to see what i can get from him
  20. NTHER91


    thats it? thats all that you can come up with? Here place them where you want since you lost yours (.,?!'": that should cover it
  21. NTHER91


    how do you construe that as a threat your an idiot look for drama elsewhere
  22. NTHER91


    sorry LANCE is it go lay down before you hurt yourself ben i expect it out of you and pikey its not that i am all stoked about mich stomping a team that everyone can beat, its the fact that if UM would have lost this game there would have been a 6 page thread about it, but since they won this is it. I get, yea, so what they beat a team that suck so bad or personal attacks from some kid named biff. Just thought it was funny but it seems that you all took it as a personel attack which makes my day better GO BLUE !!!
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