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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. what is a toras?? taurus?????? maybe or like a toreass
  2. those 70 and 71 cars are nice but ive never like the yacht stangs
  3. they do this alot in the mortorsickle world joe your just not reading the right ads
  4. if he dosnt want them let me know so i can come look at them and let me kow how much
  5. just to clarify it is a mustang car show
  6. 10 am to 6 pm 5 bucks to register to be in the car show spectators free ther ewill be food chips and pop they arnt tryign to make money just break even there will also be a hp contest and dorr prizes I might be workgin the gate so we will see more details to come in a new post tonight when i get off work
  7. he even stands like a ticket nazi i think its taught
  8. hes prolly a poser start it up look at it and then ride it to a bike night then go home and eat ice cream with oreos
  9. not everyone is emotionally unstable scott lol
  10. hmmmm closer less in gas i might have to stop and get the bottle filled
  11. till you blew it up dont go by what he says he breaks shit
  12. and how to giggle at the sound of a 15yr girl sayign penis i still do that
  13. shoot i could do this i get off at 10 and would love the extra money if you are still in need i will call or pm let me know i dont want to hassle you if your already filled the pos.
  14. NTHER91


    <sigh> zane pm sent 2nd edit this is getting way to ghey why wont someone close this thread before more drama reaches out and touches someone last time there was a threat the thread was closed i think this should follow suit so the 15yr olds can stop arguing and making snide comments
  15. We're getting married in 10 weeks and I still haven't picked out flowers, that's why I noticed them hehehe ~Jenn
  16. are they hiring lol
  17. omg im jealous thats beautiful and no thats a kz1000 ADAM HAS 400 CC'S OF FURY
  18. ull sit behind a computer all day and watch to see if people are on the phone if not you go tell them to get on the phone (micro manager)
  19. the worst part about my job is 0% gamers as they are called jump form card to card never paying intrest hardest acct to save from closing cuz they think intrest is evil and women who dont listen to anythign you have to say you could tell them if you close this acct the devil will win and we will all go to hell and they flip ther page on the red book in front of them and say oh yea thats ok "is my acct closed now" of whne chase deems an acct non-profitable and you cant reset a rate ( that was lost due to a late payment cuz chase changed thier grace period from 25 to 20 days so ther due date is 5 days earlier) just to make them go late and get maybe 100 more dollars out of this cardmember no chase isnt evil all card companys do this (except amex) amex will suck your dick to make you happy they ttreat joe 18yr old just like donald trump they have the best customer service int he biz
  20. short buzzed hair and always very up beat??? kinda squinty eyes
  21. NTHER91

    Credit Cards

    ryan you are correct and there is no need to pay chases HIGH apr if you can transfer belive me when you call chase and ask if your apr can be lowerd im the guy you talk to (of course there are more than kjust me) first off dotn expect more than 2 or 3 % thats the trend ive been seeing if your at 19.99 your prolly gonna get offered 17.99f or 15.24v now keep in mind chase lets you look at your rate every 6 months to lower it, also dont call up saying im getting offer from capital one offering 0% cuz we dont care your comparing an intro offer to the card you already have....holy crap i feel like im at work lol fuck it transfer just dont close right away use this as leverage it takes chase 180 bucks to get a new cardmember they have that invested in you they dont want to lose your bussiness so after its paid off dont use it for 1 yr and call back ive seen them drop from 29.99 to 9.99 in a heart beat any questions you have about chase creditcards let me know i know too much about them and it would scare most people on here what the 2nd largest bank in the country does to there card members holy run on
  22. ive been there for 9 months in the retention dept what do you want to know and they dont work you that hard
  23. i started using the equipment per your request
  24. joe i wish i was off today so we could tackel it together if you dont have it done by sat night then let me know
  25. NTHER91

    Credit Cards

    i close about 20 cards a day due to people like you and i cant tell them they are fucking up thier credit by opening and closing cards so fast you do not want to do that the few bucks in intrest is it worth a inquiry on your credit report or the missing payment history cuz after your 12 months of 0% that payment history is irreplacable
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