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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. I have never felt more enticed to buy something when i checked out the ball watch website. they really arnt what i like really, but the site was awesome!
  2. hdmi? take 150 without wirless adapter? i can have cash in am?
  3. Ramsey

    RIP Kayne West

    goodnight sweet prince http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3036/2644758820_dfcac4742b.jpg?v=0
  4. Ramsey

    xbox360 - CHEAP

    if they fall threw i want it, i have cash sitting here! i can pick it up right this minute.
  5. for the clunkers thing, wouldnt they have got 3500 +4500??
  6. i love cumming in my clove after smoking my wife.
  7. info on the best way to put plastic up?
  8. erie gives that discount @ 24, fyi. And i dont know why there isnt a kids theater that just runs kids movies all of the time. I mean you could just cycle kids movies every couple of years and it would seem new to them.
  9. Ramsey


    cutest turtle ever
  10. i have his kit and it fit great, looks to be holding up. Chad designed the kits but they are contructed over seas but you can upgrade to any turbo you want. I know he has been daily'ing his gt for about a year and he beats the shit out of it.
  11. My pops has a 63 inch mitsu and it has been great! what about a projector?
  12. i will trade the springfield for an 870 or will sell it outright for 300.
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