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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. i hope tities and big country get their ass's handed to them.
  2. This, but i now pump the shotgun before i open the door.
  3. pic or it didnt happen oh and you must keep your palm down and middle finger down to 1st knuckle
  4. Another trick. Make a reverse shocker (1 pink 2 stink) set ur hand down on the desk/table with middle finger folded underneath your hand, now try to lift your ring finger off the table. oh and you must keep your palm down and middle finger down to 1st knuckle
  5. You could have prolly sold it for 100-150.
  6. PLease mspaint the index finger thing.. I have seen someone drink 1 gallon of milk, the 2 pieces of toast, i want to say it was 8 salteens, spoonfull of cinnamon. Dude knocked them out in a row.
  7. That was a bad fight, and there have been a couple just as bad. But no he hasnt faught. I hope marcus wins the whole thing and rampage whoops evan's ass.
  8. screen shots or it didnt happen
  9. Yeah, alot of "learning" goes on in the classroom. Learning about the pilgrams for 12 straight years is real learning experiance. But the team building/ problem solving/ social skills/ drive to want to be the best, was just a watse of time.
  10. I like to leave my name, but sometimes i leave another members name.:bangbang:
  11. like this, but mine has no funnies... but i know some do. http://i33.tinypic.com/2v3pq8w.jpg
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