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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. Ramsey


    thanks for the new ringtone.
  2. Ramsey


    Lol. throat. lols
  3. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/28197/Gifs/Fifty-Bird.gif
  4. http://i32.tinypic.com/28wfev.gif
  5. Anyone got hiring/housing/helping/nursing illegals will be given large fines, like in the 10's of thousands.
  6. chicks in wife beaters are hot http://www.bartcop.com/rachel-bilson-shirt.JPG http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/tilatequila/default/chicks-white-wife-beaters-tattoos--large-msg-124501132696.jpg
  7. who ever made this mad at guys with muscles.
  8. does it look like this? http://www.departssupply.com/parts/062-0004%20Oil%20Drain%20Plug.jpg
  9. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM5NDkwODc4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODIxNDg3._V1._SX485_SY323_.jpg
  10. a quote from another forum i posted about our 2 party system and ways to change it.
  11. Have a poker party, smoke cigars, talk about pussy, maybe go on riverboat gambling trip.
  12. i heard he was his own clwon for his birthday. http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/8660/obamacake.jpg
  13. we should have the illegals if they choose stay in a camp and learn engrish and do work for our goverent, like help build a border fence to earn their green card.
  14. Fixed the rules. I would have thought we would have had alot more ideas on what could help america.
  15. the beer is actualy a good price for stadium beer.
  16. We should also have a public goverment audit, that way everyone can see where their money is going
  17. They spend alot of money, dont have kids or adopt other kids that people couldnt take care of.
  18. We should have reverse career days, where you can come set up your booth and resume and recent projects and sell yourself to companys that want to come look.
  19. Get ready for alot of this. http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/stretched_tire-560x418.png
  20. We should also look into the cost of college, it shouldnt be that expensive. Also, should offer cheap adult education, that you should be required t pas/take while on umemployment.
  21. We should hold local news responsable for what they print/say and have them be required to have a portion on the day devoted to unbiased factual news. Also, the channels using free airwaves should not be able to advertise during news programs.
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