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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. erie. and they gave me a discount for being 24.
  2. In this thread you will post ideas that will help america/ americans. Just post ideas, do not put down anyone elses idea, this is more like a think tank for ideas to help america! I really just want people to starting talking about ways to fix america, not whats wrong with it! I will start; We should be required to pass a drug test to get goverment funding.
  3. You should trade this for a a beat 2wd f150 with many problems
  4. We only have 68 "fuck michigan's" on this site, we need more. Fuck michigan!
  5. only good thing about that whole event was the fact they called it v-day.
  6. Does this mean your the douche bag in the white sweater?
  7. This have had its own thread. 9/10, but still well played.
  8. I knew this, thats why generic drugs are so cheap. i want to know is what does it cost the canadian goverment for someone to have a vesectomy?
  9. I wonder what it cost have done in other countries, like what does it cost the healthcare system?
  10. Word, but why is the price so different in cost? I would imagine insurance is to blame.
  11. Why wouldnt your auto insurance cover your medical bills?
  12. Is say we just keep blaming fat people. Also, fat people that are not allowed to have a 900 cal burrito, because all people can live on celery alone.
  13. Ramsey

    SHO Taurus for sale

    you should trade this for a beat f150 with many problems. I may know a guy.
  14. this. -United states is the only place where drug companies spend money on advertising. why? -So much money is wasted on the free shit, drug companies send to doctors; to have them use certian drugs. -How come if you have insurance a drug cost x much and if you dont it is cheaper? -one of the main reasons why doctors are so expensive in america is because people are sue happy faggots, if something goes wrong, even if nobody was at fault! -Also, you should have to pass an alcohol,tobacco and drug screen before any goverment money. also, if you are given goverment money you should have to use a special card to pay for stuff so people know you are wasting goverment money.
  15. Ramsey


    white booty.. i get it.
  16. where are the comments?
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