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Posts posted by cNeutron

  1. Originally posted by Venomss:

    Kate Beckinsale = one of the hottest brunettes on the planet.


    Naysayers = gay.

    +1 from underworld the hottest goth chick ever....and i saw her on the making of van helsing last night on sci fi she is so fine. And serendipty(sp) was a good movie i thought it was funny too.
  2. Originally posted by Eastside Juggalo:

    Once again.. I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to respond. It means alot to me, I guess to bring this to a end, she blocked my phone number and has been out drinking and driving like a retard and according to her friends, she's finaly "free" and I talked to her one last time just to say goodbye and what not and she thought it was the funniest thing to kick me when I was down. She keeps saying her new boyfriend is going to beat the shit out of me and stuff and all that shit. But that really ended it, she blocked my number, I've tried calling with other peoples cells and whatever just to figure out what I did wrong and she just tells me to fuck off and blocks that number. It's been pretty shitty, I'm just going to have to find a way to move on. June 26th is gonna be hard, that would have been our four year anniversary, but fuck it. Thanks once again. I hope this is as bad as bad can get...

    Now its just as bad as you let it be. Dont sweat it man and just try to to have fun and not think about it. And about her trying to get her bf to beat you up its all hott air. My ex did that shit and i eventually did but just dont sweat it. You seem like you are to good for this shit. I can also tell that someone seems to be fueling her fire. Especially about the number, i bet its her bf doing this shit. Probably some over controlling piece of shit. But like i said have a fun time and just remember DONT i repeat DONT in your next relationship compare that girl to her. IT wont be fair for the girl trust me i did that and didnt even give the new girl a chance. Hope it works out for you man no matter what happens.
  3. dude dont blame yourself for anything you said. You had every right to be pissed off. Did you sleep with other people...no. SO you shouldnt have to apoligize over it. Dont call her that is all she wants as much as she might deny it. Drop her man give her a taste of what its like without you. You dont deserve her shit i can tell you taht if you dont call her she will call you. Its all a game to them just learn how to play the game back. sorry about it again man. Bitches will be bitches, hoes will be hoes.
  4. Originally posted by RX7dood:

    i'm kind of confused about this movie is it supposed to be like satirical comedy?



    the first one sucked ass, the second one was "ok". personally i think tarentino made a big mistake. and the only reason some people like it is b/c all their friends like it or b/c its a tarentino film


    i mean shit there were people clapping durin ga movie, reminded me os star wars/matrix.

    More so the opposite, people only dislike it because their friends didnt like it. If you actually watched it i find it hard for someone to dislike the movie. Granted I am not you and maybe you really jsut didnt like it. But it was a great movie....its not pulp fiction but still really good non the less
  5. Originally posted by Bitch Gettin Drop-top:

    I saw part 1 when it came out in theaters. I think it is my favorite of all time. I was going to buy the DVD, but the DVD is JusT the movie. I'm gonna wait until they realease a box-set before I buy it.

    They are going to release a extended version of the movie. Its supposed to come out in about a month. Thats what I cant wait to get.


    Originally posted by The Movie Guy:

    I wouldn't consider myself impressed by Kill Bill. It was definitely a fun movie to watch, but I don't think it's anywhere near the Top 10 on the list of best movies ever. Though, that's gonna come down to personal opinion. I think it was a kick-ass movie, but VERY unrealistic and it seems VERY weird to see a woman doing all the things she does (no offense to women). The parts when they switched to Japanimation-style graphics was sweet, but the whole seen with her trying to move her big toe was just corny as hell. I guess I get picky with quite a few movies and that's kinda good and bad. Catch the really great subtle shit, but get annoyed at other shit. Oh well.

    Thats what they intended, I dont think it is one of the top 10 either. And i agree that it was werid to see the chick doing the ass kicking. But I think thats why Quentin did that to get the shock effect.
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