Tom, if the balances are low, pay them off. The thing that will hurt the creditor most is a large payment on your balance, and make it on time so they don't charge you late fees. Toughen up and learn to use cash for everything. Read Dr. Rick's link and do what Dave Ramsey says. It sucks to hear, but it's good advice.
Evan, if I were a debtor and you told me over the phone that you were going to sue me, I would immediately file in small claims and either have my debt wiped from your company if below $1K, or reduced significantly if over. Yes, I know if you intend to sue you are not breaking the law, but your company would settle before we got that far because the threat is questionable.
Anyone else who would like more information about how to improve your credit score, I can make a new thread. In March I had $21K in charged off debt and several thousand dollars in credit card debt; also a credit score so low I could not get a home equity loan. In June I had paid all of those paid off ($0 balance) and had a credit score in the 700's.