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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. If that's the red wrecked one on four spares I am interested in the rear end and interior parts. Our friend was supposed to have asked you about it, but you know how he is sometimes. 1986 'vert checking in.
  2. It doesn't matter if the court will side with me or not. It will never make it to court. Also, I never threaten to sue. I file without warning once I have my evidence in place. Keep in mind I'm not angry, just telling you how I would handle it. Very few people would react the way I do.
  3. If you read about the events that lead to the depression from 1929-1939, it is eerily similar to what is currently happening.
  4. The length of time your account has been open has a significant effect on your score, so you are technically incorrect. By opening a new account and closing the old one(s) you are negatively impacting your score.
  5. Tom, if the balances are low, pay them off. The thing that will hurt the creditor most is a large payment on your balance, and make it on time so they don't charge you late fees. Toughen up and learn to use cash for everything. Read Dr. Rick's link and do what Dave Ramsey says. It sucks to hear, but it's good advice. Evan, if I were a debtor and you told me over the phone that you were going to sue me, I would immediately file in small claims and either have my debt wiped from your company if below $1K, or reduced significantly if over. Yes, I know if you intend to sue you are not breaking the law, but your company would settle before we got that far because the threat is questionable. Anyone else who would like more information about how to improve your credit score, I can make a new thread. In March I had $21K in charged off debt and several thousand dollars in credit card debt; also a credit score so low I could not get a home equity loan. In June I had paid all of those paid off ($0 balance) and had a credit score in the 700's.
  6. Safelite uses Chinese knockoffs and windshields discarded by the manufacturers that did not meet specifications. I never use them.
  7. That's the assumption when you post a thread asking for help with something as basic as tuning. If you want help in the future, don't criticize the help you're given.
  8. He moved to TX. Still has the car. His brother bought my Mark VIII. His brother also has Nick's old V6 Mustang which is making around 400RWHP now. They like cars.
  9. Thanks guys! Long night last night, recovering this morning.
  10. 12 years of marriage. Will not do that in front of a woman.
  11. It all depends on the original creditor. If they continue to report the item once you pay, that is their prerogative. However, you may write a letter to the credit reporting agencies if they still report it, and you may have the item removed. IMO, if you are worried about this at all, you should pay the item as quickly as possible. If you have access to a phone recorder when you make your deal, I would also use that. The violations that you have listed are not severe enough to dissuade the debt collector from anything and would probably not earn you a judgment or a settlement. Verify that you will receive a "paid in full" letter and keep track of it. Document everything. Let me know how it goes.
  12. I'm pretty sure that Genesis tells us that something came from nothing. You have proven yourself wrong, therefore nothing you say is valid.
  13. Unlike a medical degree, those cannot be purchased. My point is that your belief (read:loose interpretation) of the bible is not infallible. The church has made plenty of mistakes in the past. They will continue to do so. Please site the portion of the bible stating that the earth is round.
  14. The first step in your flow chart is to ask a question. You do not question your own dogma, which was written when people believed the earth was flat. You don't follow your own flow chart. My own example following the Scientific Method: Question: Does anything Rick says make any sense? Background research: Post history (signs point to no) Construct hypothesis: Rick is crazy Test with an experiment: Quiz Rick on scientific questions with obvious answers Analyze results/draw conclusion: Rick is, in fact, crazy Hypothesis is: True Results reported I have absolute faith in my findings and as such, I need no verification or validity to be proven right. My supreme divine consciousness tells me I am right. Question these results not.
  15. This is an interesting debate. The first fact that we have to remember is that the constitution does not provide rights, so Scott's point is not entirely valid. The writers of the constitution recognized that we have "inalienable rights" and wrote the constitution to protect those rights. However, there have been instances in our countries history where the preamble was interpreted (incorrectly, IMHO) to exclude those who were not born on US soil, or others that the presiding judges wanted to exclude.
  16. Yeah big talk from the guy driving a HORSE AND BUGGY (Hi Ricky KEKEKEKEKE)
  17. I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.
  18. http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/dal/796258913.html
  19. Chris and Jeff and myself (all posting in this thread) worked together at the Delaware plant.
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