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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. bahd-ler

    CR Softball

    Lets get this going... I'm down for a drinking league
  2. bahd-ler

    CR Softball

    What are your guy's thought on getting a CR softball team together???
  3. I know when we buy a case of blades they'll throw in a free saw. But 1 million worth of blades is a lot of cutting. Who did/do you work for?
  4. JESUS... I see them in our Diamondblade catalogs and have just wondered. We overhaul our 760's about once a year, and thats running them like a bitch, I thought our guys were just being hard on them (but we're just cutting paver). What is the cost of a new chain for one of them?
  5. So have any of you guys used one of these? http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/033cf829b52a8992cd4087ff15a9311a.jpg I've always wanted to try one out, what are your takes?
  6. I'm in tears... lol Come on guiz buy some brick off of me
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/silver_deamon_slayer/GIF/sailorbk5ivwg4.gif Across between hairlip Fred and the Burger King.... http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i423/rumper2/_00ajpg63.gifDo ya see it?
  8. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Concrete_saw.jpg
  9. This is y I am behind the sticks and not him... Just ask....?
  10. lol thats where I got it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Its what I had on my lt1 T/A http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=712&pictureid=5748
  12. Lol, I just remember you never let more than 1 other person ride with you... Said it fucked up your race weight, lol. I need to stop by and see it
  13. I want to say I saw some at dicks(?) or sport authority(?)... I got mine at roll bike shop off of sawmill.
  14. To start off, I'd like to get my frame powder coated a flat white (anyone know where to take it?) 1) Ride 10 new trails before fall. 2) I'd like to put 200 miles under my belt 3) Mohican is on there, but last time I tried, I was 18 or so and it whooped me. Only completed half. 4)Get a friend into the sport 5) gopro everything
  15. Some start a mtn bike thread... I want to get out asap
  16. I love alum (more difficult), but there a lot of other places around to go. I can see where you think it could get boring fast, but it really doesn't. I find road biking more boring because you can locate objects easier than in the woods. For example on the road you can see what lies a mile or so ahead and I tend to focus on that, "am i there yet, am i there yet, am i there yet," plus most of the road riding I do I know the route because I drive them all the time. I try to get to a trail at least once a week and never get tired of riding the same trail. The trails at alum are around 6mi and I average 40-45 min lap pace. There are so many different variables to work on , line choices, gear choices, all kinds of different setups. I compare it more to motocross than road biking. You're in the woods, ripping past trees and splashing thru creeks, jumping roots hitting obstacles. For me it doesn't get any better. Demo a bike and I promise you, you'll love it. Completely different work out.
  17. Id worry about a gopro before I would lighting... I blew around 1g on my bike and wish I would have spent more Then why do I want one so bad? Seriously though the only exception to getting a FS is maybe justified by Alum and thats if you be boogy'N. No other place around here really needs FS. But I'd still like to have it.
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