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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. I saw a late 90's gm truck burnt to shit with the doors left open along side of 71s just north of Polaris this morning.... hmmm
  2. this is where it all started for me.... I had a ss100 also http://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-2-VINTAGE-1989-LARAMI-SUPER-SOAKER-50-BOTH-WORK-GREAT-/180909314199?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a1f091097#ht_500wt_1280
  3. Who are these kids parents???... and why are they allowed to procreate?
  4. Broke a chain yesterday and had to walk out... that sucks
  5. Maybe like a Marine engine. Something that powers those big barges...
  6. Dude I saw this today coming back from Dayton on 70 around 1ish... I wanted to take a pic and post it but was headed east and the truck was going west. Thing was MASSIVE
  7. Thats like saying Birds dont have a right to the sky because we now have airplanes....
  8. A friend of mine was driving outside Ashley (north of Delaware) on 42 and flashed a cop to warn of a cop ahead... When the cop pulled him over and asked "Why was he flashing his lights in the middle of the day" my dumbass buddy replied to warn you that there is a cop up ahead hidding... I believe he did get a ticket
  9. last I checked being 1/16th anything else is everything else
  10. Wah??? I went there too.
  11. Looking for a Honda 4 Banger in the price range of 5 grand, give or take... Needs to be a good reliable car, don't really give a shit about anything else. I'm also open to other makes.
  12. Glad to hear you're ok man... On a side note if you get into MTB you don't have to worry about those crazy drivers and the ones that have it out for cyclists.
  13. I agree, nice shots. Thanks for sharing
  14. I find her so sexy... On a side note: I love that coffee table
  15. Dump it in the Olentangy across the street. Just don't let your neighbors see you... or anyone else. I do it all the time. :gabe:
  16. LOL I like how these guys do it while laying on the horn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79HxuXP3D2w&feature=related
  17. Waiting on this since it happened...
  18. Sluttin' it up... I wonder the same thing.
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