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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. bahd-ler


    Yea your right... Didn't notice that
  2. bahd-ler


    Has broke window
  3. :gabe: @ last comment on his other video http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Screenshot2012-02-10at45159PM.png
  4. Just out of curiosity what makes the car bounce around so much in price difference?
  5. IMO rear wheel would look better with a lip
  6. :funny: I was thinking the same thing....
  7. I was going to say this (old, havent seen new one)... till I saw this
  8. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/cCheb.jpg
  9. So you're saying its going to snow???
  10. This is the best advise IMO. When I was little and I wanted anything that cost greater than $100 my Dad would make me wait 2 week until I bought it, after 2 weeks if I still wanted it he said I could go and buy it. More than half the time I moved on to wanting something else.... ...and was thankful I did
  11. I took this while in San Fran a couple of weeks ago http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/374764_2403073321816_1400581366_31957682_546634650_n.jpg
  12. i use imovie... allows me to do exactly what I want to. That is if you gotta a mac
  13. bahd-ler

    Theme Song?

    If you could have a personal theme song, what would it be? Like when you walk out the door in the morning it starts playing, like the opening scene of a movie... I've always liked:
  14. Jump on it... don't wait, the longer you wait the more you suck...
  15. I was thinking I was going to like it... I did not, one of the most annoying video on the web
  16. Seems like a good little job since theres no snow. I've always like the travel time on equipment over long distances... makes for a nice little break
  17. Short clip?, and what happened to the existing concrete for it to be replaced in such a small section? BTW, tell Anthony to invest in a pair boots...
  18. This has happened before with Andrew Jackson... don't know if this is true, but I'd say it could be
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