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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. What happened to Blazer and Mo? and how those nickels managed to get suspended? I heard (Theo?) say something on air this morning about "why would you be posting shit on facebook when you are suspended. They were on yeasterday talking about having Marty from Bobaflex on but I didnt listen to the entire show, so at least they thought they were going to be on today. Just wondering if maybe something happened later in yesterdays show or something.
  2. I just accidentally bought two of these cases online from amazon, I meant to buy only one. If anyone wants one let me know. 30$, it would save me the trouble of shipping it back. http://www.amazon.com/HP-TouchPad-Custom-Fit-Case/dp/B0055QYJKG
  3. This is what I'm rocking http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Suunto-Core-AB-time-Click-to-enlarge-2.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/images.jpg
  4. I have an old helmet... $75obo http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Picture011.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Picture010.jpghttp://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Picture012.jpg
  5. Here's the deal, my droid recently broke (I don't have insurance) so I resorted my old blackberry, which makes me contemplate suicide every time I use it. I have Verizon service and my sis has an old 3gs iphone on at&t that shes not using. Is there a way I can use her at&t iphone on verizon service? If so how do I go about it? Sorry if this has been discussed just wanted the jist.... and if any of you can do it pm me.
  6. bahd-ler

    270 record

    I would def run it clockwise, the inside lane would be a smaller circumference.
  7. lol, update: I ended up on Palmer in a spare bedroom with both "bitches" at 3a.m. Only to have Steve wake them up and drive them home. I am only now getting around to posting because Ive been about it.... Dont ask for pics, I have it flipped
  8. Witnessed this aswell.... and it did happen. But least the 15 yr olds leaving the theater thought he had NOS and had a story to tell their friends on the playground.
  9. Steve I want some if you do get them... that is all
  10. Weren't we using the usual back stop of mentally handicapped orphaned children and a bus full of nuns?
  11. It flies, it dies.... Had fun, would like to get a cr meet up and running
  12. I have been lucky enough to ride on of these and the are crazy, not your average gocart. Absolutely one of the best things Honda has made. Glws
  13. Kyle you fag, you sound drunk
  14. I'm digging the Raptor in the background
  15. I've had it about a week now and in consumed my life... more than porn
  16. Look at head, then at neck, then back at head. The mother fucker is bigger than the Le Crucet pot she uses to cook with...
  17. ^ She looks like a bobble head....
  18. I went to school with both of them, I know the victim really well, played little league with him growing up and had class with him. RIP George, you're in my thoughts and prayers...
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