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Posts posted by neonkiller

  1. What?

    Boat night,




    This is Alum creek



    All the info you could possibly need is there.


    Where and when?

    Every wed @ 7pm we will be meeting at the most northern Boat ramp off Africa RD, Witch on the lake is on the North side of the bridge right on the other side of it to be exact.


    We will be in the no wake zone to the left of the boat ramp.


    What happens on boat night?


    Well usually you just got off work and its mid week so fuck busting the car out and getting that nice wax job all fucked up bust out your boat, fill it up with 93 and cruise around the lake with your friends:masturboy:.


    Some nights tubing will go on other and most nights finding fast boats and racing each other will happen on the regular. Or we can talk about our boats because there so fucking sweet not to mention the eye candy that will come out on them every now and then:fa:.


    Be there or be square

  2. So we dont have an official boat night setup yet for this year.






    What goes on @ boat night?:


    Jon Linn will race you and you will lose. dont worry cause it will happen repeatedly all night for confirmation.


    We gather meet and haul ass across the lake and when we bring ladies out we tube from each others boats.


    We just waste gas and have a good time.






    So TUES or WED?



    My vote is Tues :masturboy:

  3. His truck is nasty as well. ( not his)




    Yeah his truck is right around the corner from a couple houses we do landscape work for. Parks it outside its bigger than that in reality.... Its hella gangster..


    I think he has a 5 car garage ... 3 spaces 2 deep?... Could be wrong. Most of the houses back in kinsale have lots of crazy stuff going on in them,

  4. Ok we got




    Dave "surfer dude"


    Roommate Matt


    Trying to get some girls lined up for us already.


    No Idea where we are staying we could prolly crash at my buddies dustins house in huron cab fare would be cheap as fawk



    Who else is in. I vote not driving or we could rent a SUV for two days and beat the shit out of it like we did the New camaro from a year ago =) And take it to the track...

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