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Posts posted by neonkiller

  1. Nah, we just keep things close and not post alot of sid epicness lol


    Bump, If you gotta ask you dont need to know.




    I just got allot of stuff gin on in my life and when I feel the need to have one everyone will know.


    It will be mid summer for the Columbus Rally, and the 2nd annual Rally to the Bay at the end of summer.


    Its in the works dont worry just live a little and relax :cool:

  2. audiforums.com




    consulting auto assets would also be a good place to start for him when he wants to start "boosting it".



    Get ready to get your jaw picked up of the flooor after they give you a price quote.

  3. I bought a 3/4" drive set from harbor freight for the rare ocasions when I need something that big. It's kind of hard to break those sockets regardless of who makes them, I think it included most sizes from 19-52 for around $100. I bet that socket is $30-40 by itself at Sears.



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