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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. http://sniperkids.com/NK/DonVNK.jpg http://sniperkids.com/Friends/DonVChris.jpg http://sniperkids.com/Webpics/DonVitoWet.jpg
  2. Have you ever asked who it is, After they knock? But in all seriousness Good run.
  3. And you cant tell me that any American company invests 100% back into America, Its just not logical, If A whole car was to be made in america down to every bolt and weld it would cost a shittone more than having some of it done overseas or in another country, Thus either you pay a ton more for a car that is built 100% in america, or you get a reliable Honda that the parts come from over seas and are assembled here.
  4. Chris this is Columbus racing sarcasim, Down in the C-BUS it really doesnt matter what stage you have its just bring it and race it. Anyone care to critique?
  5. I didnt understand either. 1. Its not the car that makes a person rice its there actions, 2. Wherever you go you will get you'r "Fast&Furiouse kids" Its inevidable they will be there unless it is privately owned buy someone and they are there to regulate there property. period. 3. It would be nice to have an open lit parking lot where everyone can get along, But its all up to someone giving permission "The owner" And after i saw a knife get pulled on someone at K Mart by the Thrift store i dont know how thats gonna happen ever again. 4.This is where it will all end up in the end, No matter what we will always have to find a new spot people will always have to put up with others making stupid descisions IE Burnouts, Redlining, Reving and littering. The only way to make a Good spot is to whoever wants it so bad I give you this>> Actions speak louder than words. That means step back from you computer screen and do somthin about it. Bringing it up on the internet will do nothing. I mean i'm not bashing people for making or replying to this thread but if you really wanna make something happen you gotta take action. Last friday or sat night i didnt see a single person say anything to the owners that went out of there peeling off there tires or say anything to their friends that was along the lines of "Hey tell you friend dont come back if he's gonna be stupid and get us kicked out" Maybe i just didnt hear it? But what i saw is the cops taking action pulling over about every car that pulled out of Schotsteins, looking for all and any violations. I wouldnt say that is too low key. The cops are already looking to bust us and spring isnt even here yet. Its gonna be an intresting summer. Please Flame on.
  6. That sent shills thru my body, I would say there will be too much misinformation and it seems as if the movie is upsetting alot of people.
  7. Hover boards are the shit mine has a flare release , For anyone who thinks they can shoot me down with a rocket, lol
  8. So lambo doors suck? on lamborghini's? "i cant spell"
  9. I would quit working there if i had to buy what i make unless the product was somthing that you wanted, Most people are just struggling to get buy let alone buy a difrent car just to keep there job. Or walk a far distance just to make a living. Imagine if you had to work at mcdonalds and thats all you could buy to eat, It would get old after a while. I drove this into the thread, will it get towed? ha ha http://sniperkids.com/Web%20pics/DSCN2944%20(400%20x%20300).jpg I'm not bashing the car company, But if my job depended on it and i needed it to get buy i guess you can only do what the "man" tells ya to do.
  10. Do these really come with the decals? http://www.gorno.com/library/images/org/2442/Saleen-Focus.jpg
  11. Shit i only paid 19k for my car new and i could walk that SVT focus 5 ways from sunday, Its all show no go. My friend has a Supercharged "Jackson Racing" SVT Focus , Tuned also., My GTI was only chipped and i put 3-4 cars on him from a 20 roll. So the only thing you get is handeling and looks? I would rather drive a SRT-4,
  12. I'd hit it once then jet in the mourning , Those things are way to big for my taste.
  13. I would rock it for sure, Nothin like sayin hey wanna run a stock ZO6, lol. Anodize the intercooler black get some nice rubbers on some stock ZO6 wheels = the ultimate sleeper!
  14. I work at a tire store, biggest pet peave is when people pull right into our bays or park in front of the garage like they own it, aaahhh sometimes i wanna break there damn windows!
  15. I would agree with that to a point, I would say your actions have to do with someone being defined as "rice" but not the persons car, Shit i thought a VW could never be rice until i saw one in CBUS last year that was gold had underglow green neons and was trying to drift around a light pole @ hooters. Guess i was proved wrong lol
  16. I rode in it it made me pee my pants, He gave me motivation to get my car done after that nite, Thanks zack BTW nice kills also, nothin like kickin the shit outta a new ZO6.
  17. I think the reason he swerved was the his neons were so bright inside of his car he got blinded, Maybe He was watchin Fast and the Furiouse in his Brian Spilner wanna be race car? ha ha ""I wasnt bashing DSM's just his car with neons.""
  18. That subie sounded like the heavens opening when it took off ha ha..... Very sweet ride, For sure!
  19. I usually use Adobe premeire but my comp crashed and now all i have is Windows media maker, It would be a lil better but its all i got to work with. Here ya go, Edited, Send i'm for the vid link, Thanks
  20. All i know is that Subi was rediculous!!!!!! Good time,
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