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Posts posted by neonkiller

  1. I had the PartyRocKrew Rally last year it was hella fun. "Photo Rally"


    It was a photo rally and we started in Dowtown Columbus and ended in Put In Bay for X-Mas in July.


    Had Trophys and over $400 in cash prizes. Had less than 25 cars...


    However it was a great time and people loved it, Made tons of new friends!



    Im in.

  2. Just my impression, based on the few times I've been propositioned to run for $.


    Well I guess you dont get out much, or have been in a situation where beating someone by just a fender or racing kids for a 20 spot will lead you to a race where you walk away with over $500 in your pocket down the road.


    I can tell life will be rough for you if everything needs to be proven by experience.


    But since your " Impressions " have yet to be proven to you I guess you will never understand.



    If he bought it new he has more money than sense. Used they are like 30k


    He bought it to my knowledge slightly used, At least less than a new replacement motor that goes in one. Wich are more than buying the whole car...



    It's serious shit and if you're serious about it your not out to run for fun, or 20 dollar gimmies. You're out hustling for big bucks. Which makes it a job, which means you've got a totally different attitude than 98% of the knife weilding douche heads in the lot discussing drift techniques in the latest version of their video games.


    Patterson It seems that people here in this "scene" have yet to take things seriously, they think its a joke.


    People who do it for $20 in parking lot are the same people on TV who do it for their top sponsors who support there car and crew all year long.


    Its the same thing when you break it down. its that simple.

  3. Its only the broke dicks on here that have no credible work skills that need to go out and hustle races for cash.





    You do know how much a new AMG is right?


    That was the persons daily.

  4. Ill race for fun. Its only the broke dicks on here that have no credible work skills that need to go out and hustle races for cash. Ill race for cash but I don't need a ccw or any dumb shit to handle my business.




    Understood as well.


    This has got to be the dumbest shit ever quoted on this entire ordeal..




    I hate to say it or even put you out there like this but your not anywhere close to even touching the basis of going out and racing and or Hustling as what the person handing or the money thinks as they just lost to someone to the race they agreed with since they thought they new so much about there opponent.


    Midwest is nothing like the "South" "East Coast" or my favorite the West coast of street racing. People treat racing serious and they wanna stay on the top or make cash whenever possible.


    Ive been filming, watching and rolling with some bad ass people who could race and be in the negative with what they are driving and still win.


    Its unfortunate you are the keyboard warrior champ of this website. Maybe to make the scene a better place you could come out as sort of a policeman and stop all hustling, racing for money and make sure its "Just fun"



    To each there own, This is a place to voice YOUR opinion.

  5. Funny part is that a certain AMG car only beat a very lightly modded 97 4-valve car by 1/2 car. Really? Come on guys.


    This is why people get hustled...


    PM you info later this weekend I gotta get my GTL on for tonight Real \Talk

  6. how is us talking shit a bad thing? i called the dude with the evo over, spoke with him, he said he didnt wanna race. no biggie, we were in a group talkin with the otherperson that wanted to race and knife kid snapped out his pocket knife on me and someone else. WRONG, we were gonna go to the car and show him what was up but the other person decided to scare him off by yelling and turning red in the face. no one was even talkin to the kid and he was all about trying to show us his knife. hes lucky he got pulled away cause he was about to be sitting up in childerens hospital on life support.


    Real Talk:cool:


    Im really loling.



    You know what maybe we were assholes... If that is what you wanna believe. Maybe that will teach him not to come out and be where we are about to be and maybe he will go home when we show up.


    Real Talk

  7. You and everybody else stop with the real talk shit. were not in the hood and you aren't slangin drugs and drinkin yac while burning ppl on the streets...













































    real talk


    Its an inside joke, I dont know you and you dont know me how about we keep it that way?

  8. I told them to leave the kid at home if they don't want bad things to happen in the future. Not a smart move on that kids part.



    Im not talking on behalf of myself or anyone but he could bring a machine gun and he would not have a chance.


    Dude was not in a good situation at all. , Real talk

  9. I talked with a couple guys today when I picking up some things and they mentioned that they had a "run in" with some guys on here. They said Wednesday night, I'd assume this week but I don't know for sure. Seems some people were running off at the cock suck about running a red Evo and the guy with the Evo didn't want to run. I guess this pissed off some of the douches and they began running their mouths some more. In the end one of the friends of the owner of said Evo decided he needed to pull a knife? Not sure what really went down, but that the guy didn't want to run and some people from CR felt the need to push the issue. Nice to see that you guys are stupid in person too, of course pulling a knife is dumb as hell too.

    Please feel free to give the other side to this story, so that hopefully you guys weren't trying to be tough guy street racers in FUCKING Columbus, Ohio. You guys wonder why those of us who have been around for awhile don't venture out to the parking lots anymore. It's to avoid the "I'm tougher than you because I can hustle a street race" bullshit.


    Lets say someone was talking to the guy in the red EVO, he didnt wanna race.


    The opposition to the EVO was still trying to race so they gave him unbeatable odds and kept trying to talk to him.


    It looked like a friend Friend of the EVO decided to be MR. Kool guy and butt in and pull a knife out.



    Now take a second and think about what a big no no that kid just did by pulling out a knife shorter than my limp dick. What were the guys that were talking to the kid in the EVO gonna do? Make the kid in the EVO put him in his car and make him push the gas pedal to race?




    So after Mr kool guy pulls the knife a couple other people expressed there rights to defend themselves and the Mr. Kool guy got pulled away by friends.



    You want the story in detail PM me cause your dude needs a little talking to before he shows his face again. Real talk

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