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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Shit,,,,, You already saved me from buying a bike and putting my younger years at more risk than they already are however it has been eclipsed everytime I go out with Chris "Idriveititbreaks" and Dover mother fuckers are always saying fuck it sounds like a good Idea "Doit shanton!" I usually park in the little section behind and kiddie corner to the bookstore or the remote parking behind that across from the fire station. You have PM. SIR I just have classes on Tues as of now However I will be there this winter with 3-4 classes. I was in Fire Science but I switched to Business MGMT with focus on Logistics and something else....
  2. Fuck parking at CSCC, and to all the dumb motherfuckers talking on their cell phones in the library. First off the parking is not thought out well, there is just not enough. And If I hear one more mother fucker talking about what her baby daddy did to there car or needs to drink with their mac and cheese tonight I will bitch slap that fucking phone right out of there hand while I'm in the library..... In class it seems like some of these kids think its a joke and it holds back the rest of the class so the teacher can tell them to turn off there cell phones or to shut the fuck up. I pay for these credit hours not so the teacher can let your PO officer know your in class. Go fuck OFF!!!!
  3. in, Unless is on the 10th Ill be in Kent partying.
  4. http://www.ump-attire.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=UA&Product_Code=FB-BASIC Dover and I are going to be a pair of Referee's , Check out the the fuckin sweet black hat with stripes. I will be calling plays all night...
  5. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs242.snc1/8922_145159750597_651455597_3175368_2842796_n.jpg Cannot get anymore official than this. Yees it can sighned by Vanilla himself, inside the passeger door panel of his triple white mustang vert. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs242.snc1/8922_145165870597_651455597_3175410_5166983_n.jpg
  6. Sorry boys pics wont be up till later io got work till 5 then wakeboarding=)
  7. im down for whatever. wekilled so many 40s at my place then to top the night off vanilla was telling everyone our group was the party. he did a burnout thru third in the stang sighned the door handle and gave us tons of free yager. stimmel still has a hard on as vanilla ice drove his car. id like to thank everyone who sacraficed there fri like our buddy zack he is interning at merrill and finch.... beer rifles own everyone. sorry for the no caps im on my phone and lazy
  8. We have killed 12 40's already off the beer rifle and a ball joint broke off in the parking lot of 14-0 when getting more beer in our buddiews volvo..... Nothing funnier than telling the story over and over and watching people laugh cause were all drunk. except the driver Yours all pussys!
  9. With all parts Ive seen a miata and rx7 get a 5.0 done in 2 days running and tuned with a nice cam. Its more on the customer part getting all the parts then showing up at a pre notified date. And having the shop ready to focus on just your project.
  10. So....................... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LikzyndVj-g/SQsctO561xI/AAAAAAAAmTs/TeHU9IAX_Eg/s400/vanilla-ice40.jpg Vanilla ICE will be at McFaddens tonight they got 2 dolla Coronas and tons of Freshman pussy for all of us. We will be leaving my place on campus at 1045, If you dont know where I live call someone who does.
  11. Thanks guys, Scotty can 18 and up get in we got two with us .....
  12. Ever watch badboys II? I will be more than happy to meet her date at the door like they do =)
  13. Gym, Anabolic OD and some soup.....
  14. A car that can drive from its house with there slicks and jack in the trunk or passenger seat and then swap it all out at the track hot lap the fucker and still run fast, pack up and drive home then go out street racing later in the night is a true street car. Fuck this AC or driving in the snow and rain. U dont need that shit at the track
  15. Fucking awsome! Any places nearby if we decide we wanna change it up?
  16. I will be at tiesto, If its at Boma the house will be packed for sure. I like vocal trance too =)
  17. Idiveititbreaks and I will be taking our ladies out the night before we leave for our Lake Cumberland trip this thursday night. We will be leaving here around 6 and end up having dinner getting trashed and going out to get trashed. BlueMach will also be joining us with his right hand:o We are looking to find a dance club that serves alky and allowes its patrons to be 18 and up. Something along the lines on Mynt is what were looking for.
  18. My money would be on John, But your putting a fwd up against a awd. Even if its close Id feel bad if I was in the awd. My money on john with prep. awd gets no prep to make it fair.
  19. U need weight up front sticky tires and a big turbo so the power comes on slow then peaks and stay there... Nothin like reelin ion the competition...
  20. I have confirmation on the plane........ Um wow...... Heres our ladys... ashley has been my best friend since I was 18 ,she was there and awsome.. http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs235.snc1/8222_700275056244_23306692_40692377_4773589_n.jpg This is boof, She would only call dover by his last and first name...... http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs235.snc1/8222_700275051254_23306692_40692376_906187_n.jpg
  21. http://www.switchbladestilettos.com/admin/images/newsUploads/17sm.jpg
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