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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Everyone just needs to get a pass, cheap and it only takes about 4-5 times to pay for it. I will be up their friday night hopefully. Paul just TXT me friday and I can tell you what time I get off and who Im gonna be with. Beers and Snowboarding = Awsome
  2. They must go past the last point of sale.... If you dont show me your receipt and your trying to push out a TV I will be kicking a hole thru the box and it will fall off the cart and you will have no TV.
  3. Im the guy at the door at best buy, I dont care if you do or dont im not about to get hit orver a receipt. If you dont show me you dont, Usually people who steal drop the item at the door when scared....
  4. Brady I miss you. Come spring the VW will be there to finally get the rear end fixed...
  5. Get my boat put in my name name and sell it..
  6. I choose when the weather is nice to RIP 3rd through 5th and bounce off the revlimiter in 5th on my way to work, I Always catch a car on the way home too... Poor bastards.
  7. neonkiller


    Snow like rain baby!
  8. Test drivers can roll race said VW for a detail of how fast this thing is....
  9. The Pikey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not worthy.
  10. U mm Wow. Damn I don't even wanna find out where my food came from when eating out. This guys day was ruined. Talk about bitter sweet:bangbang:
  11. I know right , two guys and two strippers in a two seater was hard enough just parking the thing drunk let alone driving it like that, good times mang.:bangbang:
  12. My daily was a saturn. That girl would suck the chrome off my VW emblem before she would agree to be the passenger in your saturd. I only say this cause the EOS is dopemagic. I now know why I log onto CR the E-Hating is coming on strong since its getting colder out.
  13. At least thats what I heard last week I havnt had the race car out in a quick min. Any truth to that? BTW, Me and Dover are gonna hit up Texas Road House later tonight if anyone wants to join. Id say the Polaris location around 8 or 9. http://www.golfmkv.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=54361&stc=1&d=1257235079
  14. neonkiller

    Meet tonight

    Ask yourself the same question. Correction Paul, Ive raced from 80mph more than hes put his car in first gear.
  15. Ill see what me and my crew are doing, Anyone going to the LC for there MMA stuff next week?
  16. I miss wrestling, Grappling is where its at though...
  17. neonkiller

    Meet tonight

    April the car will be out. fuck racing its overrated, I just captured Dover and Brandon Jizzle Juice were gettin pussy, beer and pussy in that order
  18. I cant wait/ Fucking still only did the s rail one outta 800 tries.....
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