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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. I vote myself an admin, I lurk.
  2. that vette was skating like a mother fucker all the way off the line
  3. In all good faith I hope you never sell that car till I can get my hands on it one day.....
  4. I will just quote myself for assurance and ignor the hatred. Its my opinion. Nut what do I know about vws.
  5. Howard I will get em from you this week promise
  6. You need your own house to do that..... Let me guess my house right? That will be a deposit of $1000
  7. http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs112.snc3/15950_168405110597_651455597_3374017_3697423_n.jpg What you cant see are the knickers, yellow flag and blue marker along with the official socks we got. Shit is tight we got whistles also and they are fucking loud!!!! This may be you averge costume but I will be in character all night long!
  8. Its on like Donkey kong, Beer pong wil be in affect and there will be referees attending to make it official.
  9. I need to find me some lady football players........ like this. http://www.scavengeinc.com/images/coquette/female-football-player.jpg http://www.mardigrasoutlet.com/_images/fw/102114.jpg
  10. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs206.snc1/7328_293410305598_618440598_9488861_242705_n.jpg Brandon jizzle juice in the mother effin house!!!!!! Mother fuckers better be showing up with some ladies in tight revealing clothing or I will call a technical on you and throw you ass out the way you came in.
  11. Suck a dick! fuck a that price,
  12. You steal you fail. Well he prolly gave you the deposit key and told the cops you took it? or the deposit was never made.
  13. You are all retards. No one knows every aspect of either car. With that said lets start the illegal betting =)
  14. Id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I will be a gun owner very soon and soon after a CCW holder.
  15. Do it, Networking is ones closest friend other than losing there phone.
  16. Im looking to have someone come and drop off a trailor or container at my place for the day and Im gonna be throwing away all the junk at our old place on campus. Just need refrences of who you have used in the past and what type of pricing I am looking at. I would say a 10 to 15x8 4ft tall would suffice or smaller.
  17. JP I got an HD camera with 60hrs of footage avail on it.
  18. Chris this is shanton, I will drag that bike around 270 with sean behind us trying to catch up//....
  19. Dover is my roomate and he watched me get rocked like kimbo slice he picked me up off the ground we went to square up against guys 3 times our size and the cops came. close one.... BTW our new place rules, JP was over causin trouble playing our neighbors for money in beer pong lol!
  20. You can keep pricing your mods out on paper but you will infact exceed this by the fail that is included in the S4 aftermarket. You will go over budget and quote me on it. The drive-train will shit out after a year of abuse and you will have to source the parts out. Front end will die only after a matter of time. Motor will prolly blow up after 200k on the clock unless rebuilt and gone thru same as with the head. I say dont do it look at the negative feedback your getting. But people said what I wanted couldnt be done and I'm still pouring money into my vw/audi. If you got the money and the patience by all means do it. But If I had the knowledge I had now I would of got a lsx motor cammed it and slapped it with a 100 hit every weekend. Good luck, If you ever need a special vw tool I got it.
  21. Don't do it unless you wanna have he least hp to money spent on the board.. Besides maint is a biatch on those bad boys. Suspension parts blow out and your stuck replacing everything else.. Dont do it. You wanna make a roll car out of it? Why?
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