I had to go to a funeral yesterday for a friend of mine, she ws 16 years old and a Jr a Worthington Kilbourne. On Nov. 22nd she was with her Boy Friend on Snouffer Rd.(Sawmill Rd. Area) and he was going 55, somehow went left of center through the suicide lane and hit another car. Niether Her or her BF had on thier seatbelts both go ejected from the car and she died on the 23, she tried but just couldn't hang on. As for her BF he is paryalzed and in a coma, he is a student at Dublin-Jarome so maany of us didn't know his. The man they hit walked away with some cuts and bruises. The worst part is that yesterday at the funeral I found out that her BF is suicidal(tried to kill himself 4 times, 1 of which was a car accident) if he doesn't take his meds, but hes been refusing to take them for 3 weeks. So we are going to find out whether it was and "accident" or not when/if he comes back. Parents aren't suppoused to bury thier children and HS students aren't suppoused to bury thier classmates but sometimes this is life I guess. I cant sit here and say I havent done anything stupid in a car, but hod do people make this dumb mistakes. Being there yesterday made my think of so many things, mostly "what if" kinda things. This has seriously made me totally change how I live. I mean I'm still gonna live each day like its my last because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone, but that means doing what I can to enjoy life without much chance of hurting myself so if tomorrow does come I can still be there for it...
R.I.P. Kasey Nicole Burlson-You will never be forgotten!