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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. when searching for a driver windows refers me to this webiste to manually make a download... http://www.broadcom.com/support/bluetooth/update.php i go there and download the program and it still does not recognize that the dongle is plugged in. It just keep "searching" for it. I would say that its a bunk piece of hardware but the Bluesoliel v8 trial did actually work!
  2. nope, no markings to speak of this is the device. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003VWU79I/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 one customer review stated that he used toshiba bluetooth stack, but even that isnt recognizing that i have the dongle plugged in.
  3. it was actually amazon..overnight parts from japan. ps solutions wanted.. life lessons need not apply
  4. some ass hat stole all my tools, fishing equipment and hooka out of my garage 3 years ago. coffee and kiwi/watermellon were my favorites.
  5. My laptop doesnt have bluetooth on it, so i bought a no named dongle on chinabay. The dongle arrived with out any software and my computer isn't able to find the correct driver... wat do? bluesoleil v8's trial worked but i cant find a keygen windows 7 64bit.
  6. UCI apparently said that the USADA has the power and right to do what they do.
  7. soon as I saw it's balls I said it's a dude
  8. My GAF meter remains unaffected. http://snarkysnatch.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/give_a_fuck_o_meter_by_screendsk-d3ibnq5.gif?w=400&h=310
  9. Why not just put an asterix next to his name like in the MLB hall of fame?:dumb:
  10. Regardless if you watch/care about pro cycling, you have to admit that if this goes through its a huge hit for the USA and potentially for CA awareness. Although there have been questions raised about where exactly all the money from the LIVESTRONG foundation goes. see Outside magazines' article on LIVRSTRONG I cant say i'm surprised... its not like everyone knew it. But he was cheating in a sport where everyone cheats at that level.
  11. multivitamin plus food that contains Ca+, Mg, Fe, K+ and , just like most Americans, ppppppppplently of Na+. My diet isn't the best, but its decent. and to restate... I only drink the "preworkout" drink as i make the turn for the last half of my ride (which lasts 45min). Its not me running out of energy, its me getting dead legs.
  12. do you get a discount if you buy a pair?
  13. its nuts. more like 16loko. The last time i did that mix... well Sleigh Bells wasn't the only entertainment at BoMa.
  14. i ride 95% on public roads. I maintain that over the past 10 years ive been exclusively riding road bikes, bike trails are a million times more dangerous than the streets. Runners, women walking with 1, 2, or 19 dogs...each one going in a different direction ready to close line you, women walking in groups gabbing away not paying attention, women walking and gabbing on their cell phone not paying attention, roller bladders, slow moving cyclists of all ages and kids not paying attention all act as potential hazards for cyclists on bike paths. I've had to evasive action far more many times on the few paths i've ridden then the thousands of rides i've taken on a street. That being said...if youre just starting out and don't feel comfortable with cars passing you 30 40 mph faster than your going, stick to the bike path.
  15. If you want to get white girl wasted preworkout drink mix pow. with what ever vokda/water ratio gets your panties wet. Pregame with that and see what happens (or rather be told what happened).
  16. Solo rides are how you get strong and gain endurance. group rides are easier but faster.
  17. word. Its crazy frustrating to see where you had progressed in years previous by this time in fall compared to this year. enough talk, im hitting the streets.
  18. So when you hit the wall your whole body feels weaker...to maintain the same pace or weight you were at the beginning is exponentially harder. From what i understand hitting the wall is your body running out of readily available carbs/sugars (coupled with an increased difficulty to contract and relax muscles)and starts to utalize fat as an energy source. Fat is a lower octane fuel compared to readily available carbs and thats where the decrease in energy feeling comes from. Kind of like switching over from 111 to 87. What im experiencing isn't a systemic fatigue, its more of a "ive been riding into the wind for a while and my legs are starting to burn up". Previous drinks have allowed me to feel like i have fresh legs for the ride back. Thats what im looking for.
  19. to be clear i'm not "hitting the wall". I'm looking more for a muscle wash if that makes sense.
  20. for sure. drinks, pills and supplements are no match for hard work, frequency and persistence. With as busy as i've been this summer im stuck at an 18mph avg.
  21. So when i cycle i traditionally ride w nw into the wind. By the time i turn around, even with the wind to my back, i'm pretty spent. After a short recovery i ride even harder on the way back as the tailwind encourages you to move out. ...point being... I like to put an "N.O. Xplode" style drink in my 1st water bottle, drink it on the 1st 1/2 of the ride so when i make the turn the energy drink hits me and is sustained for the 45min-1hr ride back. I've never found one i really like and want to stick with. Plus i'm tired of trying shit GNC has to offer. I'm looking for something that boosts energy and prevents dead legs/muscle fatigue during. In reality i assume most of the prework out stuff is shit. I don't expect it to make that much of a difference but lets see what CR's gurus have to say. In addition to drink additives.. I stretch pre and post ride, try to stay hydrated and do a warm up mile before i start the ride.
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