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Everything posted by OJdidit1738

  1. How old is he now he looks like he's 50
  2. Sounds like a blast, I was so pissed I was there a week earlier, I stayed at the westin at galleria and that mall is nuts, I thought the apple store here had a shit ton of people working at once, go there, I walked in on a Thursday at 4 pm and they had no less then 30+ people working. I would definitely like to go next year just to knock it off the bucket list. Nice write up Dover
  3. lmao the good old days of crown, Paul SHH (Shakin his head)
  4. If i had 8500 i would drive to jersey now, ive wanted a short wheel base car for a long time
  5. here is some that I have built over the years http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/slot%20drag%20cars/IMG_0945.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/slot%20drag%20cars/IMG_0997.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/slot%20drag%20cars/IMG_0993.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/slot%20drag%20cars/IMG_0989.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/slot%20drag%20cars/IMG_0927.jpg
  6. PA Racing Super Comp C4 Transmission with Transbrake rated to 1000+ HP. I bought it brand new last year and the transmission has less then 1 mile on it. Transmission has been sitting in my garage ready for 5 months. Looking to get rid of all my transmission parts listed below for $3200. Transmission Parts: - PA Racing C4 Super comp trans with trans brake http://www.jegs.com/i/Performance-Automatic/732/PA26107/10002/-1?parentProductId= - TCI 3500 Stall Street Fighter Torque Convertor - TCI SFI Approved 5.0 flex plate - JW Bellhousing http://www.jegs.com/i/J+W+Performance/564/92480/10002/-1 - Ford Racing Aluminum Drive Shaft - B&M Super Cooler Trans Cooler with AN Fittings and Lines - B&M Pro Stick Shifter All the items abover were bought brand new last year, and the car was only driven around the block. Ive decided to go a different route this season so I am selling all my C4 stuff. Price - $3200 I will not budge on the price and I am not going to separate anything, I do not need to sell, and it cant continue sitting in my garage. If you want it thats the price. Please PM me with any questions Thanks
  7. holy shit, good lord thats alot of weed
  8. http://www.latemodelrestoration.com/item/SVE-1007DBB/1987-93-Mustang-Black-Anniversary-Wheel-17X10 In stock too!!!
  9. OJdidit1738

    Jeff Haze

    No problem, keep sending us more!!
  10. OJdidit1738

    Jeff Haze

    Well looks more like tomorrow before lunch now, so youll get it back tomorrow
  11. OJdidit1738

    Jeff Haze

    I drove up there today and picked it up we will have it back to you guys tomorrow with some donuts hopefully
  12. GLWS, if I had the money I would buy this car, Ive always liked this car
  13. What about that little civic that hustled you for 50 last year and the guys were so nice to run it back with a different driver which should of never happened? Did you beat everyone on CR or was JB driving? Just curious
  14. My suggestion is do what mrbolt said, save and buy a complete car, what are you putting this motor in?
  15. O i mis read, i thought the one guy asked where he got the number and you said facebook, well how did he send her naked pics through facebook, doesnt facebook delete pictures like that? Just confusing, yeah definitely try and get those back and post them on facebook, it would be hilarious
  16. There were 2 the third had something happen, so the finals were the 2 it was ricky with the silver turbo mustang, and goran(not sure if thats how you spell his last name) with the red 65 nova, hell of a final they had.
  17. If he got her number on facebook, how many others do you think have her number off there? not trying to be rude or talk shit just trying to make sense of the situation, something had to lead up to the pictures being sent. no one just sends a naked picture of themselves usually, did she ask for a pic and the guy sent naked pics?
  18. The normal starting line is the end of the shutdown. How many cars do you see get squirly in the shutdown by the return road at trails? Im pretty sure if the track there did not think it was safe they would not allow them to run the race.
  19. Lmao I fully understand buddy, I said they dont prep past a certain point, example kots in chicago theres no prep past the starting line on the day that they run, Wouldnt the 330 put you even closer to one end of the track with even less shut down when your going 120+ , any body races knows theres a risk of wrecking, if he does hit the wall yeah that sucks, hopefully he has on track insurance since their at a track he can use it. All im saying is this a good way for people to be off the street and theyve got the right idea
  20. Trying to make sense for people who dont understand caused that lol
  21. They do it because the end of the track has not been prepped like the beginning with traction compunds and rubber and is like a normal concrete street, they only allow them do to burnouts and prep to a certain spot at the end of the track,, who gives a shit if he almost smacks a concrete divider or theres other things to hit at the start if his throttle sticks, and not all tracks have proper run off either with sand traps and catch nets or corn fields, some have woods, whats better him hitting those or hitting a car pulling off a side street or someone standing on the side of the road.
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