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Everything posted by OJdidit1738

  1. I consider myself a person who does not give a shit about politics, whatever candidate can cut gas prices is half and not fuck with my income I support haha I have yet to see one do all of this thats why I have never voted.
  2. So hopefully I understood this right, you have a 1000HP truck wanting to race his slow street car and your going to give him 4 cars? That is so generous of an 8 second truck, sounds to me like you dont want to give a fair race. You might as well race on the street with that hustling mentality
  3. 2 tickets Decent seat, Center Section 250 for the pair
  4. My question is out of all the times at the track do you hear more about bottle explosions or how shitty bottle warmer blankets are?
  5. Its Hard to post street racing videos on a forum with a bunch of non street racers, there's track racing and true street racing and the people who do real street racing take it just as serious as your every Sunday national trails racer! This is their passion and what they do and what they do well so don't knock anyones Motorsport of choice and If you've ever bought these DVDs you'll see they do it in the safest way possible withs cones and rules and no racer is allowed to be seen with a beer or their dq'd. Not like new York where they stop hole sections of freeway to race 10 second all motor civics. Definitely not the stereotype every street racer is a dboy slanging dope or trashy people. There is trash people in every form of motorsports as well and drug money not just street racing.
  6. That car is gangster looking!!!! that blue is my favorite color of all the new 5.0s. Badass Car man
  7. Looks nice in there, almost factory! Sweet build
  8. That's an amazing save, bent the wing, chute mount and barely scraped the right corner of the bumper, he drove the shit out of it
  9. We stayed until 315 when the grudge all black tran am hit the wall right at the 1/8th such a badass race!!!
  10. Wheres the seats at I'm interested in the pair
  11. Pictures? Sounds like an awesome deal is it the one shearer fabrication started building a while ago? Sounds similar
  12. Agreed, going to be cool to watch king of Columbus from a suite
  13. I thought it was the best batman yet. Anne hathaway is the best catwoman I think. Great movie
  14. Witnesses said they saw a man exit the emergency door before the premiere then the gunman walked back through the emergency exit so they do not know if it was an accomplice or the shooter and he just propped the door open while he walked to his car parked behind the theatre to get his weapons
  15. That muthafucka looks nasty!!! Cant wait to see it run
  16. Im going to Rave in Grove City, the theatre gets packed but if you pre order extreme seats their larger and more comfortable so its not so bad waiting for 30 minutes
  17. Everything is out west, as soon as I save enough I'll be heading there getting a Datsun 510
  18. Can I be the one you sign it over it to for $0 so you can get some joy out of it?
  19. nothing to race but ill be there to watch as well, be niice to smell some cam 2 and see some passes if it doesnt rain.
  20. OJdidit1738


    GLWS, I would love to have that car! My first mustang was that same color!
  21. Lots of cars and a big shop, then travel the country with my best friends beating the fastest streetcars in every state then relax lol
  22. Badass car, would be fun to drive
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