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Everything posted by Spacecaptan

  1. This is the only place i know of, but i'm sure there are others. if you order from them make sure the black ones have the polished lip, because it doesn't say anything about it, but all of their other black rims have the lip polished http://www.wheelreplicas.com/fr500.htm
  2. preferably a mustang, i was wondering if there would be any chance if i could borrow a rim and tire of this size and test fit it up to my car? i live in marion, but i could come down to columbus or delaware. i would like to get some 17x10.5, but i don't want to have to deal with sending them back if they don't fit. thanks alot.
  3. i ride a K2 Union. i've been boarding for about 5 or 6 years
  4. i've gone the last 4 years with my dad and we plan on making it five. my white 95 and his green 68 cougar and maybe his silver 04 cobra will all be there.
  5. they have a website, but i don't know what it is. norwalk is by far the nicest facility around
  6. personally, i'd go with vortech. they've been around for a long time and i've neer heard a single coplaint about them.
  7. if you have a fast car that doesn't wheelie your only problem will probably be the shut down area after the finish line. my dad is there right now(it's saturday afternoon) and he usually cuts 1.47 60ft and hes getting 1.51s and 1.53s it's onle a mid 10 second car
  8. i've known some places that got sick of people doing it and it was turned into and automatic lose. if you did it you still ran the race, but the guy that did it still lost. i kinda liked it, but i thought it was a cheap way to win
  9. gates open at 5:30, time trials start at 6, but i'm gonna warn you: the track is kinda screwed up right now. bill, the owner, is cheap and tried to resurface the track very cheaply so from what i've heard(i haven't been there since he did it(2 weeks ago) cause i'm at school) it's not in such good shape. my dad bracket races there regularly and he said there were some stones and alot of dust on the track so traction wasn't good. he said it should get better in a couple more weeks once it gets raced on, but it won't be "good" until he takes the cheap shit he put down off and resurfaces it for real.
  10. my dad just got an 04 cobra, but he doesn't even know how to get on the net so i guess that doesn't really count
  11. it is just what i've heard, but as far as i know they are going to repave at least after the finish if not from the 100ft out. i really hope they do it too. if they lose their IHRA backing bill will probably just wave bye bye and close it down
  12. my dad's been close with bill and shelby since he moved to ohio and he's also good friends with aaron wright(he has a camaro that wheelstands pretty good and races there alot, he also helps them anytime they want to do something to try to make the track better) anyway, aaron said he talked bill into repaving the track from the 100ft out, but i've also heard they they are just going to fix the area after the finish. either way it should be a great improvement if they ever do it. (it was supposed to get done last week, but somebody didn't show up or something happened.
  13. supposedly the track is getting smoothed out from the 100 ft out, but i've also heard he just going to work on it past the finish line
  14. the passenger side is easiest from above. just take off all the tubing from the MAF to he throttle body. the drivers side is easiest from below. lossen the steering rack and maybe even take it off. mine went in and out pretty easily
  15. i've got a 68 cougar and it was cutting 1.48 and 1.49 60 fts. it's not it's best by any means, but it's fair. it doesn't go fast enough for the bump to bother it because it's only a mid 10 second car. i wouldn't call it a great track, but it's a good one.
  16. wheely bars are illegal for the class
  17. they only "tech" on saturday nights and they only do it for the first 3 or 4 races of the year. the don't tech on fridays for the same reason they don't prep the track on fridays. they don't really care about the friday night stuff cause most of their money comes from saturdays. and there are quite a few guys pulling the front tires for not hooking at all.
  18. i've never had trouble hooking there, but i've always gone on saturdays when the bracket race is. the do a little bit of prep work for that compared to the zero prep work they do on fridays. actually the one time i did go on a friday i got one run out of 5 that i hooked really well.
  19. the reason guthrie wouldn't sell is because he wanted 3 million for it. if he'd put some money back into it it'd be a good track. i just hope that some day somebody fixes it up and it doesn't close. i'd hate to have to drive to trails every weekend
  20. they usually tech the first 2 weeks maybe three after that you can usually do what ever you want. i've been going there since i was born and it's gone down in quality alittle, but it's not bad. for my dad's 68 cougar that runs mid 10s it hooked exactly the same at norwalk as it does at MCIR. the only times it was faster at norwalk was right after the pro 5.0 guys ran(this was at fun ford weekend) and they had just preped the track with the powder and the spray. after a round it was back to same old times that it ran at MCIR.
  21. if you unbolt the engine from its mounts you can jack it up and get um in without dropping the K member
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