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Posts posted by tristanlee85

  1. Agreed. The version I got had a different ending from theaters apparently. For one, I hate films in that view. Drives me nuts, but I got used to it. Secondly, the bitch was too hysterical and annoyed me. Thirdly, it was not scary. Fourthly, I would smash her. Lastly, repeat fourthly.


    I am also glad I didn't pay.

  2. In fact Mr Hal here's a better idea STEP 1, fill bath tub with water STEP 2, grab toaster STEP 3, plug in toaster STEP 4, get into tub with plugged in toaster STEP 5 submerge plugged in toaster in water. Repeat as necessary.


    Ehh. That may be a bit tough with the installed GFI's. Kind of a waste of energy to get back out of the tub every time to reset the breaker. I'd rather just bathe and be comfortable.

  3. Mr Hal here's the short bus version for you.........track day=stand around and talk about what car just ran......................racing event=actual racing money to win, etc . (COL VS CLE IN PLACE OF TRACK DAY YOU FUCKING IDIOT) if this is too hard for you to understand don't ever breed.


    Hmm. I guess I thought track day was when you go to the track and race against someone else? And hell, even if your little heart so desires, you can exchange a few bills after the race is over. I guess if you want to pay for a track day event and stand around and talk you could do that too, but be sure to race and win to break even.

  4. This happened about a week ago. He's not on here. He lives in Indiana, but Brian met him when we dyno'd the car a year and a half ago. There's really no reason why Bill should have survived this (don't take that the wrong way), but he's one lucky fucker.








    And the whole messed up part about this is the following:




    Up through the seat belt and out the big hole in the passenger side of the car. What they speculated was he went off to the right of the road, over-corrected to get back on, spun the car around, it caught a tree and ripped off the door, rolled around 4 - 6 times which ejected him, and then it slammed into a tree. He escaped with a couple scratches and brain bruising. I believe he was in the hospital for a week and 4 days. He finally got back home today. I drove up to IN 2 days after it happened and was utterly shocked in his condition.


    Anyway, I figured I would just share this. Pretty weird stuff.

  5. Tuning in afr can be just as accurate depending on the wideband being used. In my case the whole reason Innovate calls it the LC1 is because it's a lambda cable and when setting it up the calibration is set for the lambda of 1 to equal an afr of 14.63, and you'll end up with the same results.


    It's accurate as far as calculations go, but not a true air:fuel ratio. For example, when I run E85 in my car, I know that when my datalog shows 14.68, I'm at 1 lambda so conditions are stoich, but the actual air:fuel ratio is roughly 9.87:1 since I am injecting more fuel to compensate for the higher ethanol content.


    Either way though, you can still tune by both accurately. Assuming the tuner understands the target gasoline AFRs, just tune your fuel based on that, and assuming the equivalent ratios are the same.

  6. Back a month or so ago when they had the one on Stringtown Rd., a van in front of me read the sign about the sobriety checkpoint and made a left at the intersection to avoid it. I went through it, but I wasn't one of the selected cars so I had to drive around. Too bad a couldn't nark out the person in the van. That's just the type of person I am. ;)
  7. In addition to what I said in your PM (which was a highly intoxicated attempt at humor), there are a couple things I should point out.


    A) you will not make 350hp on the LL0 with stock internals. It won't happen. I'm assuming your friend or whoever you talked to may have a Redline with a 2.2. That I could see making 350hp.


    B) AlphaTuning (the link above) has been making kits for a while. Mike's stuff isn't cheap, and it's guaranteed to work. I'm not sure how long he's been in the business, but clearly he doesn't do just Saturn kits or he wouldn't have a business.


    I had my car dyno'd on an old setup with the stock internals with a sweet boost spike and made 272wtq/262whp. That was a spike up to about 17psi around 5100rpms and then it dropped back down to 12psi.


    The current setup (the link Gearhead posted) made 338whp/317wtq on a DynoJet earlier this year, and then 379whp/334wtq on a DynaPack a few months ago in Hotlanta.


    So... close to 400hp in a 2400lb plastic box is pretty fun I guess. If I could go back in time I would have saved my money though. :)

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