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Everything posted by Dweet

  1. Dweet


    here is an example of Tank's quality work http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/27558/p/598263_817992059883722041_vl.jpg
  2. you could swap the 4g63t into that car if im not mistaken unless there is a huge difference between the RS and the GS-T, you might be able to find swap kits at www.dsmtrader.com
  3. Dweet


    hey tank how much to polish an IM?
  4. can you get ahold of any Haltech E6X's? If so how much with the sensors?
  5. 315 isnt near as bad a 33 near Dublin. Ive seen a cop on 315 like 3-4 times and i drive it rom 270 till the Lane Exit by OSU every morning. But even so 33 (at dublin) to 270 to 315 to campus is one big speed trap in my opinion
  6. I figured its always been like this up here. Because ever since i moved up here in early sept I've noticed people dont know how to drive. Goin 60 in the left hand lane. Normally I just cruise in the right hand lane going 70 because all the slow people are to the left.. wtf.
  7. i posted the compressor map on how that turbo acts with the engine in my car. But as far as a tiburon engine being an NA vs FI it actually responds better stock to FI vs NA. The stock pistons handle up to 250hp and the stock rods handle up to 300hp but the clutch is crap but not really part of the engine but the stock crank shaft has been up to 700hp in Korea. They dont bother with aftermarket cranks. Really to get 250hp out of a Tib you jsut need a new clutch and a bigger fuel pump.
  8. well if i set my window switch right I wont be spraying at all when the boost kicks in significantly.
  9. Ok maybe i needed to clarify a bit but what you said is helpful. I already have an arming switch and a WOT switch. I was going to use those along with the RPM window switch. So my throttle will have to be wide open, under whatever rpm i set it to shut off at and the arming switch has to be on, so basically if i was cruising i wouldnt be spraying for no reason. I also found this, and thought this might be helpful on when I should shut the window switch to shut the nitrous off http://www.speed-factor.com/misc/betaplot.jpg Thats the compresser map for the the turbo on my specific engine. So with that said what would be a good RPM to shut it off at.. Also here is where my nitrous is installed so it shouldnt backfire to the turbo http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/27558/p/499919_2084938373148324261_vl.jpg That piece sits between my MAF and my TB
  10. I was out taking out my NX kit and noticed there was some oil in the piece between my MAF and TB. I knwo that isnt right and something is wrong.
  11. I could take off the fuel solenoid and jet it as a dry kit. smile.gif
  12. Ok here is my planned setup. Super 60 T3 with NX wet kit. What I want to do is use the nitrous to spool the turbo and have the nitrous cut off at a certain RPM. Ive heard of window switches that can do this. So I think Im going to use that. I was wondering what ignition to use. My car's engine is a 4cyl 2.0l 16v DOHC. I was just wondering if the window switch would be ok to use and what ignition management to go with.
  13. swap a 4g63t into it and make a sleeper smile.gif if you want to get rid of it let me know
  14. I moved up here from Cincinnati a couple months ago. Every morning commute I always see at LEAST 1 cop. Yesterday I saw 8 cops on my to or from school. I drive a total of 60 miles too and from school. That averages a cop clocking every 7.5 miles.. wtf is up with that or is 270 to 315 between Dublin and OSU just one big speedtrap?
  15. also how about an AIC for the extra fuel im going to need? is that a better wayto go than a S-AFC or other type of piggyback?
  16. but the SMT is does way more than an S-AFC.. it can control ignition also. thats why i was curious so yeah i dont have an engine hone, thats my problem about the piston instal..
  17. ok but.. isnt it good to have the block rehoned when you do it
  18. ok i am gearing up to start my turbo project very shortly. In about am onth but I want to get all my ducks in a row. So here is what im looking for. 1. A place or person who can install pistons for me. 2. a place that is good with installing piggyback systems, Im probably going to go with an SMT-6 that has the ability to adjust the A/F and ignition timing. Im going to need that wired into my computer. 3. a place to dyno tune after all said and done. any reccomendations would be nice. Thanks in advance
  19. why not just replace it with the same filter?
  20. shoot be the price on that also... any other turbos you can get? oooh this is an old thread.. did you place the order yet?
  21. well im shooting for around 250-275whp. Thats the most I can get out of my powertrain without having to put way too much money into it. I could do it for about $2k, but i think ive decided on the T3, now i have to just find the right sized one
  22. well i dont want so spend much more than $300 on the turbo itself. The reason why I want a centrifugal S/C is because i dont need a manifold of any type for it so all i have to do is be creative in where to mount it. Turbo manifolds for my car are hard to come by. Most of them have to be imported from Austrailia or Korea, or made custom. Plus SC i hear give better torque gains. I got an older t25 here off of an S13 Silvia but all the hyundai tuners i talk to say its too small and id need at least a T3. When I enquired about a custom kit over at ITS in dayton they recommended the T3/T4 hybrid. So I dont know, and I really havent seen any proven dynos so I dont really want to make that decision on heresay or because thats a good turbo on a Nissan engine or honda. I have seen one dyno of a T3/T4 laying out 275whp on a tiburon... let me see if I can find it somewhere.. ill reply later with it if i can find it
  23. actually elantras have the same exact engines as tiburons a 2.0l DOHC 16v engine. now 1995 and earlier models have a mitsu engine in them similiar to a 4g63 but not since 1995 which leads me on my next ramble hyundai hasnt used mitsu motors since like 1995. The good thing about the older hyundai's using mitsu motors is in the 1990-1994 excels, 1992-1995 sonata and 1990-1995 elantras you can swap a 4g63 smile.gif ok back on topic.... when i do boost im not going to use a piggyback. I want to go with a haltec. Im not worried about the tuning aspect. Also my engine makes as much power as 1.8 hondas that are in the integras and there are supercharger kits for those.. im looking into getting a centrifugal type of S/C but I dont want to get a huge one. So im just wondering what trim and what brand is the best to go with.
  24. there are a few people that have 275 whp on this car without any type of boring/stroking. But forged pistons are a must. stock ones only go to about 250whp. Anyways I have that problem solved and actually have some forged 8.5:1 pistons. I never thought about the T28. I have a T25 sitting here off of a silvia with a .80 a/r but it wont get me the power I need. Im also looking into superchargers.
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