A couple buddies and I were joking around last night about getting a mail order bride. It got me wondering if its just a big scam or is it for real?
anyone know?
not to hi jack, but im looking for a fox body 5.0l as well but alil cheaper and needs to run for 2500 im sure im asking for miracles. looking for something to autocross rwd.
my girlfriends step brother had someone try and break into his moms apt. when he was there. he is 15 and sliced the shit out of the guy with a 12in carving knife lol. guy got found and went to jail.
good luck sorry to hear ben
ah hem maybe you should let perspective buyers test drive your car at the last event? just a thought
p.s. is the fun event free or same prices?
i didnt go i had 2 nd g stock nailed and no way i could get first