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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. Chief8one

    Guitar Hero

    I can't wait for the game, I just yesterday played the first one for the first time and I'm hooked. I originally thought it was going to be studpid. Anyone know if the guitar that comes with the second game is going to be any different than the one that comes with the first?
  2. never ever pics of my car ...... oh well maybe next year
  3. I get closer to him everytime...his best was a 34.4 me 35.1. Normally he beats me by about a second and a half.
  4. the green duster strikes again....hate ACR neons.. but I did manage to pull a 35.1xx..
  5. im not a real big fan of disturbed but that CD was in my car and it was my girlfriends and i catch more shit about that than anything
  6. what do people do with these btw..........free bump?
  7. what the deuce......ill charge a dollar a tire this sunday At cooper stadium.........
  8. i know its not your size but i have free 205/6015s you can have
  9. i actually laughed out loud at this lol
  10. story of my life space ghost where did/does she work at? company name...
  11. anyone have any ideas? I search online, but its the same stuff everywhere. Open for anything at this point.
  12. can deliver at next autocross sunday the 8th
  13. good for burnouts or for that project in the front yard to roll on... come pick them up. mansfield, ohio chief8one@aol.com
  14. yep, last night at my apartment. can't believe someone would break into a 94 dented to hell dodge shadow to steal a 50 dollar CD player? WTF! you could tell they didnt know what they were doing... didnt even take the harness. dumbasses. so enjoy your 2 lbs paper weight dumbshits ... p.s. i love the fact that i got transfered around by the police for now 10mins and they played "i shot the sheriff by bob marley" while im on hold....
  15. never knew they made a v6 5 speed???
  16. see the quiz could go both ways.... one could be a porn fan............OR a my little pony fan??? the world may never know.
  17. 1 out of 12 wow guess i need to work on that
  18. i wouldnt post pics of your car....thieves
  19. i really wanted to make the meet but i didnt. nice numbers ant. back to lurk mode.....
  20. you could go to park ave. in mansfield, oh? im going there tonight...
  21. well, im currently in school for my second B.S. just need a part time job for the holidays and what not.
  22. Today I had an interview for a part time job, everything seemed fine until the District manager started asking really personal questions. What does your mom do for a living? What does your dad do for a living? Where do they live? Are they still together? Along with many other bizarre questions I thought, were out of line Is it just me or are these a little too personal? Granted because of the nature of these questions I was taken back and I’m sure it showed to the DM. I don’t tell strangers everything about my personal family life, thats private to me. Before I talked to the DM I had first interview with the store manager, then had to take an hour long “MINI-SAT” test which included 4 sections of math, 3 English, and a comprehension section WTF??? All this for a damn 6.50 an hour video store job? WTF???? Had to rant.. thanks guys
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