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Everything posted by Chief8one

  2. should be there got free weekend tickets ...
  3. i made the hour trip to columbus in my black daytona. didnt really meet anyone...too shy i guess. the busa made two runs and lost both. what i didnt understand was that the rider had no leathers, eye protection or headlight???
  4. never been there, but kudos to anyone that cool enough to let people enjoy cars...
  5. i thought it was a joke when i saw it at 3am last night.... guess its real
  6. actually laughed at this nice
  7. knew i should of went..............fuck! vids anyone?
  8. ah man sorry to hear about your car, what happened?? was a mean autocross car. everyone ok?
  9. Chief8one

    Mopar Weekend

    knew i should of went to heath...had no idea where it was at though.. oh well
  10. i will win my class lol
  11. if he dont want it ill take it for sure, chief8one@aol.com thanks
  12. whats the story on the neon? sorry not to hijack thread
  13. there was a sweet black one at the autocross a few weeks ago plate said "POS Z06" or something like that. nice ride.
  14. i would jump sure as hell wouldnt want to keep floating!
  15. nice run, my best of the day was a 51.1. not too shabby for a 133k GS car on free hoosiers. i actually worked grid that day, my goal was to break into the 50s but on my last run i pushed a little too hard on the last run and ruined that oh well.
  16. anyone help me out? thanks in advance
  17. what did you run time wise 31rx7?
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