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Everything posted by SvtKid

  1. +1 hopefully its going to be bigger than san andre
  2. gamer tag : George420 games i play: mostly halo 3, cod4, gh3 , rockband....add me if you wanna just put something in the message so i know your from cr or else i would probably not accept you request....but i'm down for a huge death match....who's king of CR in certain games... anyone down?
  3. wow that ss pulled hard on that bmw...nice vid
  4. 5.4l 01 Ford Lightning -engine Roughly $5500 -stock Block -exterior $2000 Best Time 13.01 @ 106.7 2.1 60' TOTAL--about $7500 INVESTED, ROUGHLY 430/520 @ 14PSI Soon To Come -need To Rebuild Tranny $2300 -built Short Block $3400 -tires!!!
  5. SvtKid

    Smoke some!

    thats alot of pot
  6. wow...lots of sexual assult cases near me
  7. work ownz or else id be there...but i get off at 6 and i think i'll go for a drive afterwards if its still kinda nice outside
  8. i got hard right away when i watched it!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9. if you move to arizona you'll get cheaper labor just hire mexicans-day labor only runs 60$ for like 2-3 people......also since its always nice weather in AZ lots of hotties in skirts especially around ASU....only time that sucks there is end of may, june, july, beginning of aug. cause its hot as fuck.. good luck sam..also i don't think the car scene is to big there
  10. get the elite...soon they will be coming out with the ability to record tv..so the bigger hdd would be better...but its your choice...also deffenantly go with LIVE becuase thats the best way to play
  11. got 4 comfort pillows brand new original price 125 each selling for 100 each pm me if interested i'm located in westerville...will meet up if close by
  12. SvtKid


    thats a bullet for you
  13. SvtKid


    +100000 i hate it when people always think that are BAMF when they say that they get 20kills a game but equal or more deahts.....shows they suck
  14. SvtKid


    Hardcore is the awesome....we should get a CR match....just let me know when and i'll be down for some owning.
  15. George420 halo3 c.o.d 4 gh 2 & 3 ---any challengers---
  16. ya that was really fun except for it was hard to drive cause i was pretty wasted, and arguing with my partner didn't help much lol..but ya it was great..i'll be on tonight after some guitar hero 3 that is another great great game that will keep me for hours.
  17. sure..i think its still in my garage let me look for it and i'll let you know. how much u willing to pay?
  18. sorry...went downtown to party...i'll be on tonight for sure
  19. i have one for sale also i'll be on tonight...waiting to take names
  20. very true........nice looking truck man here's mine... http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/svtkid/Lst.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/svtkid/100_3621.jpg
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