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Everything posted by SvtKid

  1. SvtKid

    TV shopping

    SHARP LCD FTW....go to HHgregg they are the only ones who negotiate price if you hassle them enough..
  2. 9inchsoluv-----never on tho....no good games out yet that i rather play on the live
  3. SvtKid

    Xbox 360

    George420 -----halo, COD
  4. I'm curious to see what they get for all this
  5. damn that story is crazy. I hope they don't throw the book at them to set an example.
  6. anthony's picture is up......nice mug shot
  7. crazy night fellas.......i wasn't there but had to go pick up my sister at 2am so she wouldn't go to jail.
  8. SvtKid


    anyone got that game for the ps3? its pretty badass...online play isn't too bad either
  9. SvtKid


    i call shotgun in the gt2
  10. i'll edit it for you if you like
  11. damn preston idk how you can function right now...i'm still hung over as fuck...
  12. i know thats why they are a hand full...but still great dogs.
  13. border collies have so much energy if your not playing with them most of the day...they can become punks....but never the less smartest dog and most loving....best trick i thought him was to hug girls only
  14. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/svtkid/Picture002.jpg most playful dog ever frisbee champ http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/svtkid/photo.jpg his buddy ruger...albino pit
  15. that was then....i bought my condo myself and my tissue box as well (scion)...atleast i'm not attached to tit anymore cavin....i bet that milk taste really good with those cookies.
  16. yea.....cavin wouldn't run me in the tbss.....he was skerd for 2 tickets in one night.
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