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Everything posted by bucd

  1. I'm thinking cluster now. Since cruise control works when the speedo acts up. I found an old thread on a civic forum where the Guy has the exact same symptom as mine. link here: http://www.civicforums.com/forums/36...-car-warm.html I joined that forum to bring that thread back. Hopefully I get a response. Next question is. If I get a used cluster off ebayy, any one has a way to recalibrate the odometer to the original cluster? Or a way to maybe swap the "memory" piece of it? Not sure what it's called. Any help is appreciated. thanks, -D
  2. well you may be right. it did it again this morning. after new battery and new terminal connectors. but what's weird is that its been consistant for first time driving it in the morning. 4 days straight now. times vary from 6am - 10am. but it will work the whole day, even after sitting at work for 9+ hrs. so kinda odd that it only happens in the morning. i would say cooler, but it hasn't been very cool here even in the middle of the night. if anyone have any thoughts or able to test something out for me. please let me know. thanks, -D
  3. Ok so update this morning. Did the same thing with new battery. But i'm pretty sure i found the problem. First things first, never let advance auto parts install your battery, or at least watch them. Old battery had a screw put in fill in the part there the bolt tightens up, because the terminal connectors were loose on the positive side. So went and got new connectors, install on both sides and nice and tight now. So far so good. Seems to only happen in the AM though. First day car sat for about 7hrs before starting when it did it. But when i was at work it sat for over 9hrs and it didnt' do it. Come home and it say for about 8hrs and then in the morning it did it again. But at work, same thing and it was fine. I would say because it's cooler, but temps were like low of 75 and high of 100, so it's not been very cool even late at night. So i'm thinking with these new connectors they should be good. Will keep on eye on it for the next few days. Will report back. Rookie mistake on my part. Thanks everyone for the help! -D
  4. Does it do it with both key/keyfob? Maybe the one has a damaged transponder? -D
  5. The odometer still works when it does this. Just speedo doesn't. And it only does it for that first 10-20mins of driving in the morning. Of course i've not had the truck long enough to get a good consistent pattern. Will have to keep an eye on it and see. thanks, -D
  6. Hello, So i recently picked up this 2006 Ridgeline RTL (3days now). Has ~144k miles. Yesterday morning as i'm driving to work. Speedo stuck at 0 - 5mph, kinda clicking up and down in between 0-5. About 20mins later it went back to normal. Had to stop and then go again for the needle to reset i'm thinking since it started to kinda work when i was cruising. So i get to work and all is well. After work, it was back to normal. So i did some searching on the ridgeline forum. It seems that it's either one of these 3 things. 1. Battery going bad 2. Speed sensor 3. Cluster So i head off to advance auto parts, testing battery. He said it's good. (couldn't really do a load test, but tested voltage from alternator with everything turned on and max.) Not sure if that's a good way to test. So come this morning. Same thing. This time it started working a little bit sooner, maybe after 10miles. And then back to normal. Oh...one note as well - Cruise control does works, so does that rule out speed sensor? And if it was speed sensor, shouldn't that kick off a CEL? I'm tempted to just replace the battery, any thoughts on this? Any help is appreciated. thank you, -D
  7. Traded truck today. Thread can be closed now. thank you, -D
  8. up for sleepless nights. baby still at 2hr feeding intervals. the joy of parenthood. -D
  9. up for nice looking truck and good overall guy -D
  10. this would make a very nice winter beater. up for you. -D
  11. well..still waiting on one potential trade...but guys not gotten back with me in a couple days. so back up it goes....with sleepless nights -D
  12. bucd

    Cutest baby ever!

    haha..thanks. wife told me that our boy won't win. i said it's worth a shot. i know all parents think their kid is the cutest. anyhow...if any of you are bored out there. they started the rating process, so go give my boy a good rating! Link here: http://wnci.clearcontests.com/front/image_contest2.asp?s=A6889271C4BCB3A3557BA5BEA5B19D84939EB49BB6B4678DD1CF8B998EAFA6BDBD777CA6CCC6C2BCA1897D61658077908C50BEAA977666787993C2AD9171786175ADBE788389656B7067917D7A84A487A28A765975#.T9nP2kzbH44.facebook -D
  13. If that's the IP. Just use ur broswer and type that in there. If it's the correct IP, you should be able to see the web console and run test from there. That's if that modem even has one. I would just call them up and have them come out. Replace the unit or they can run the test for you. -D
  14. what he said. I'm surprised you have any type of connection at all. If not, then reboot both cable modem and router if you have one and see if that helps. -D
  15. my dad's a retired watchmaker and one more vote for seiko. although i don't wear them myself, some of them can be had at a great price. -D
  16. man..mine did this a couple weeks ago, but very sparatic. has not done it again this past week. so going to hold off a little longer. i got a contact from a friend that is a contractor. so if you still need someone. let me know. i've not used him myself but all the referals i've gotten from him has been very good. -D
  17. Ok....so entered my boy in the WNCI cutest baby contest. Thought i would share it on here. Vote if you think so too. Just like it on FB. http://www.610wtvn.com/cc-common/gallery/photos.html?album_id=320015&p=19234844#/47/19236896 Gallery 6 - pic 46. Jaden in a pot. -D
  18. thanks! baby is home now and going on no sleep...whew..fun fun fun -D
  19. well....baby came early bump! at hospital now. -D
  20. well if i took one on trade, that means negative equity on your trade in and probably double the price of the truck And Steve, yeah. I need to stop in there and just see what they offer. I need to do it before the 24th though, baby on the way! thanks, -D
  21. bucd

    Diablo 3

    EDIT....removed, found my answer. -D
  22. bucd


    I also have horrible allegies. But funny that it only started when i turned 30. Tried many different types of pills. One that has been working for me is Xyzal. It's prescribed, was paying about $80 for month supply. They now have generic out and it's like $20. Give that a try. -D
  23. man..wish those lights were around 5 months ago, went through a kitchen remodel and those would have been perfect. up for you on some good items. -D
  24. LOL...i may be making the same offer to you in 2 weeks. -D
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