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Everything posted by bucd

  1. Hello, Since having kids, we ended up never using this hot tub after buying the house. It's in excellent condition. I got in touch with the company and all info listed on the ad. It was one of their best sellers that sold from $7k -$12k, this one was around $8800, and she told me used market should be around $3500, and top cover alone is an extra $550. So i'm motivated to sell. Just PM me if you have any interest. I had one buyer back out so i put it back up on CL. CL Ad here: http://columbus.craigslist.org/for/3841407858.html thanks, -D
  2. +1 on the CZ. For what you are looking to use it for, look at the CZ 75B or BD, B for safety or BD for decocker. -D
  3. Not in the area but I've used deltal epsilon engineering in Hilliard the last few times. Dale is great and their hours are great since they operate almost 2nd shift hours. http://www.deltaepsilonguns.com/ Transfer is $15 and of you multiple at one time, its $5 per transfer after the first at $15. -D
  4. If it's has an i3 cpu. I would just look at what speed and voltage of the sticks you have in there and try to match it as close as possible. Should be DDR3, just try to match them as close as possible. Faster should be ok, look at what specs are on the current ram now and go from there. -D
  5. I got mine done at the Laser Vision Institute back in 2001. Still good so far. As far as insurance. I know mine at the time covered one location, forget which one but still came out more then what it was where I went without insurance. I did mine right before the boom of when they were doing it super cheap. Mine was $4k and the year after i think there were places like Bloomberg doing them as low as $499. I'd say this is one of the best things i've ever done in my life. It's well worth it. just my .02. -D
  6. Good to hear all these reviews. I bought one of their gift certificates about a month ago and planning on taking the class hopefully next month sometime. -D
  7. GunEnvy shows in stock online. Not sure how accurate their inventory is on there, but worth a call. -D
  8. Yeah...limit 3 boxes per person a day is what they have the sign up for. -D
  9. Thanks Frank. If you see it there again, why don't you pick up a box for me..haha. -D
  10. just ordered a GSG M1911 .22 so need some ammo ready for when it gets here. anyone that have some that's not marked up like mad, let me know. or if you see it anywhere in stock. thanks in advance. -D
  11. what he said. also remember you will only get 2G for data speeds when using AT&T iphone on tmobile. i think iphone 5 may be able to do 4G in certain areas where tmobile has expanded their 4G network. -D
  12. LOL...ok...that's some funny shit...haha -D
  13. Picked up a CZ 75 P07 for now.....but if anyone has one for sale, let me know. I still want one of these. thanks, -D
  14. If you need 9MM, Ohio Valley has stock...but a case is now $260. Just keeps going up. -D
  15. bucd

    CZ-USA 2075

    Yes indeed. It tempted me to pick up both, but can't budget that right now. Great bunch of guys there as well. -D
  16. bucd

    CZ-USA 2075

    Hey Steve. I just picked up a P07 from gunenvy and they had one or two CZ P75 BD in stock. Tempted me. -D
  17. Actually stopped by GunEnvy last night for the first time. John and Neil were great. So +1 for GunEnvy. -D
  18. Hello all, Just wanted to see if anyone may have one for sale. Looking for a XDM 9mm 4.5", maybe consider other lines of the XDM. or XD 9mm 4" also may consider other lines of the XD. Shoot over a PM if you may have something. Edit: 01/30/2013 Added ammo in just in case anyone has some or seem some in stock somewhere. Just ordered a GSG M1911 .22 and didn't realized how hard it was to find ammo for decent price. I have 2 weeks to find some as that's about how long it will take to get to me. thanks, -D
  19. bucd


    Yeah..not sure on this. Properly trained arm guard not employed by the school system would be better. Hopefully at the very least a thorough background check would have been completed. I mean...oh i don't know, school has lay off and one of them happen to be laid off. Who knows what state that person is in at that time, so many things that can happen here. I know you can debate it all day long, but just sounds like another knee jerk reaction to a very horrific incident. -D
  20. bucd

    22LR Pistol

    i'm also looking around for one. thanks for saving me a post gillbot..haha I'm liking that GSG 1911(btw is the same gun as the sig 1911-22). the sig mosquito gets some good reviews as well, just have to run 100 rounds of good ammo through it first as it seems picky with ammo. I'm thinking GSG 1911, M&P22 or Ruger SR22. BTW...i have the same feelings as you on the ruger mk series...even though they are super reliable. Just not liking the way it looks all that much. -D
  21. Hey Tim, Grab this setup here on newegg and pick up a sub. Great bang for the buck. For $129 brand new, you can't beat it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?nm_mc=AFC-TechBargains&cm_mmc=AFC-TechBargains-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA&Item=N82E16882269004 Use the provided coupon code to get $20 off EMCYTZT2724 And then get this sub here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?nm_mc=AFC-TechBargains&cm_mmc=AFC-TechBargains-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA&Item=N82E16882290034 With coupon code EMCJHHG36 brings it to $79. So just a little over $200 this is a great setup. This sub coupone expires today and the speakers tomorrow. -D
  22. Thanks for the input guys. Much appreciated. I sure picked the wrong time to get into this hobby. -D
  23. Hello, I've never been, thought I would ask the question to anyone that has. The one held by C&E Gun Show. Any input is appreciated. thanks, -D
  24. do you have an old cell phone? they make great mp3 players for stuff like this, even something like the old LG chocolate series, stick a micro sd card in there and put some headphones on it and you are set. if not, i'm sure someone here has a donner phone to give up. -D
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