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Everything posted by bucd

  1. And to add to that... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=6472
  2. If you find your self in the Worthington area. I have all extra parts so we can test out the parts and see what's working and not. I use to do this on the side but with 2 babies at home, just don't have much time anymore. Shoot me a PM if you find your way over here and we can see what's up with the system. -D
  3. Try one from here? http://www.cowboom.com/product/846060 Look at the grades first. I think there is one grade 6 left. I would go with that one. I wouldn't bother with anything less then a grade 5 rating. 5 will have more cosmetic wear, but should still be fully functional. Good luck! -D
  4. could be heatshield? i know that's common on like all cars... -D
  5. Get the point system that they use and find a site that calculate points based on projections for this year. Gives you an idea of which player to get early on. Here's a very generic example, if your league does points per catch, a good running back that also gets a good amount of catches would a nice early pick. Here's a site i use a lot. http://www.fftoday.com/ They have a free tool there you can use to get some of that. I know there are paid ones out there that suppose to be more accurate. I've never been in a high payout league, most of mine are for fun and top payout is $400. Best of luck and enjoy the season! -D
  6. Yeah....if what he's saying is actually true, my biggest thing is if you feel the need to bring a gun to protect yourself at a movie theater. (even after the Col. shooting), it's best not to go at all. Avoid any place that you don't feel like you are safe in, that's my motto. -D
  7. bucd


    have you tried one of these? http://www.thermacell.com/mosquito-repellent/lanterns/ I know it worked pretty well when we use to use it, that or there was less mosquitos..haha. Worth a shot i'd say. -D
  8. +1 on Asus. Some of the newer HP and Dell are better then what they use to be. Samsung aren't bad either. -D
  9. Really? I mean really? http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/08/north_ridgeville_man_arrested.html -D
  10. SIII is probably the best phone out right now with it's size. The note is up there as well if you need something bigger. But they are releasing phones like crazy, so what's best now will probably only last another 3-4months. Just get it and enjoy it while you can, it's a great phone. Battery life is crazy good and the no shutter lag on camera is pretty amazing. I had it for a couple days, and unfortunately sprint, verizon, and ATT signals sucks so bad at the house, i went back to my prepaid straight talk tomobile plan. Currently using Samsung Nexus and it's been a great phone as well. -D
  11. nice....i wish i was in the market for a car right now. BTW...did these have the head gasket issue? if so, maybe note if that was ever replaced. -D
  12. bucd

    sprint phone

    send you a PM. but may want to try this here: http://www.cowboom.com/ Just be cautious of the condition rating. I think it goes from 1 - 8 (8 being in like new condition) I hear that you want at least a 6, and 5 is like flipping a coin. May be good and may be kinda not. Seems that they always have good prices on sprint and verizon phones. -D
  13. The niffty fiffty, best bang for the buck lens out there! It's a must have lens for the price. Not speaking for the pro photographers out there though, just the everyday avg joe like myself. -D
  14. This is one of mine favs. Taken up in Portland Maine back in 2008. Not edited, I think that day was just perfect for pictures. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=6397 This is of our son. Taken by my wife. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=6398 Another one of my boy. When the Buckeys loses! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=6399 And this is of him at his first doctor's visit. Too bad my phone broke at the time and all I had was a cheap flip phone with a really bad camera. Hit that rock! LOL http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=764&pictureid=6400 -D
  15. We went to the Smokey Mountains a few years back. It's beautiful out there, be sure to take pics an share. My wife and I was just got a DSLR camera back then and had some greats pics....but long story short, compact flash curroption and lost all of them. Really bummed. But yeah, awesome spot for family vacation. Have fun! -D
  16. Be sure to use duct tape and you should be good to go. -D
  17. possible fix here?: http://www.tahoeyukonforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8978 I don't know what exactly did the dealer do when he said that they reset the computer and it fixed the problem. Maybe pulling the battery may work? -D
  18. It actually can take up to a few weeks for a baby to adapt to a new formula. So if you do change, it could be instant or up to a few weeks. Just give it time. Hopefully it doesn't take that long. Took our 2nd about a week to adapt. My first didn't have any issues with Similac Advance and that's all he had for the first year. Best of luck! -D
  19. To add to the others, we recently switched from similac to babies r us's gentle formula. It's their equilvalent to enfamil's gentle ease and it's help with gas. Also, if baby is gassy, the Dr. Brown natural flow bottles have been a big help as well. -D
  20. Hey Tim, Which exact model did you buy? We been trying to come up with a good solution for the bedroom and this may do the trick. BTW...of all the days for my AC to go out, SAT when it was like 104! Getting it fixed today though. We have a heat pump, motor went out. blah. -D
  21. Congrats! We just had our 2nd (7 weeks old now). I know our first would cry when his diaper was just a little wet, no matter what. 2nd one is not as picky, but we always change diaper at every feeding. (right now still every 2hrs or so). And you know how people say enjoy the time you have with them while they are babies, i know what that really means now. And you will as well. Time really does fly. -D
  22. i have the previous version with the kb dock and it's probably my favorite tablet out there. makes a great portable HTPC as well, HDMI out to TV works very very well. not to mention extra 8hrs battery life from kb dock. So 16hrs total. good luck with sale. -D
  23. If you guys like martial arts, check out Ip Man if you haven't yet. The sequel is not as good but worth watching as well. Came out back in 2008. One of my favs. Link here to IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1220719/ -D
  24. Kevin, That would be awesome man. Let me know, then i can order one off ebay. Also, any difference in cluster from 08 and 06? I think I can get an 08 one cheaper, didn't know if the plugs were different. thanks again! -D
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