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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. no you fucking twat... go back and read...
  2. Apparently he couldnt help hte Buckeyes this year either.... at least UC won its 6-6 SEC matchup... Which makes me think... No matter how good UC is, or OSU is for htat matter, ESPN says they are both irrelevant to the great SEC.
  3. Oh, I am well aware of the cocky UC fans who got overzealous because of a couple winning seasons. I dont wear that shirt... I am just glad to see my Bearcats compete...
  4. Are you fucking stupid? Wait, don't answer that. I never said they were better than the B1G... go back to your hole.
  5. Cincy is just as good as WVU... our head to head performance shows that. I agree. I agree. It happened...
  6. I am well aware they are not nationally relevant... before 6-7 years ago, our football program didnt exist... and only if you REALLY like NCAA basketball is UC nationally relevant. I am not saying they are, I wish they were, but I know better. I am only saying htey can play football and compete. :shrug:
  7. so, doing the math, to your point, when they lose out of conference, sometimes they lose BIG... which doesnt help.... I also went back a year 2007 to make it a 5 year span... Here is how WVU, Pitt, UConn, Rutgers, USF, UoL, 'Cuse, and UC go... Out of Conference (AQ Conf) for the last 5 years: 37-50 Avg Margin of Victory = 15.5 Avg Margin of Defeat = 14.3 if you take bottom UL and 'Cuse out it is 32-34 avg mar(16.8-13.7) For Top 25 teams it looks like: 8-13 (doh!) avg mar(11.6-18.7) remove same teams it is 8-11 avg mar(11.6-16.4) If you insist on taking out WVU it looks like: 29-45 (24-29 remove UL and Cuse) and the margins looks similar as above So while overall, we do lose OoC, take out 2 bottom feeders and we pretty much split wins and losses. And we average our losses by 2 scores (less than 3 scores for ranked teams). Is the Big East putting anyone in for a National Championship? Nope. But like I said, we can play in the AQ conferences if you ask me...
  8. fuck it... its unproductive at work anyway... But the whole "out of conference ranked wins" thing is retarded anyway, if the BE team they played was ranked, they clearly had won out of conference as well. Let me run up some more straight up statistics....
  9. No, I dont think you understand it. Fortunately for you, I dont feel like running the stats on the rest of the BE to show they they also win out of conference, and have many close losses out of conference.
  10. I see... it is my reading fail. Though I like again how you skew stats to make an invalid point. First it was how many non-conference wins, then you make it top 25 non-conference wins...
  11. and I call bullshit. I bet I would find similar results with other BE teams, such as Rutgers, Pitt, and my Bearcats (of which if it wasnt for hte retarded front office, would have bounced as well) How in the hell can you say "yea WVU is good, but they are leaving anyway, so it doesnt count" When the SAME WVU team plays a full year in the BE, and is only 2-2 with teams like UC (who they BARELY beat thanks to our starting QB going out, and then missing a FG), andALL very tight games against the top BE teams.... So they are really good and since they are leaving can be ignored when referring to BE statistics, when they have only had the conference championship 1 of hte last 4 years?
  12. worse than bad math, is then not finding simple bad math... Hey and using your twisted logic, our wins are by 51 pts and yours were only by 26! (stupid argument)
  13. Pretty sure I showed a ton of statistical relevence that you keep conveniently ignoring or miscounting. You twist data, to make a skewed argument, I use it straight up as results... you know the way logic dictates.
  14. So you take out WVU from counting BCS records? I am pretty sure they were in the BE during all those wins... same with Miami when they were in the BE... and it's not like htey "owned" the conference, for conference play (again, UC won it 3 of hte last 4 years)... they just did better in a single BCS bowl game at hte end of hte year.
  15. Why does that matter? if the BE was ranked, they probably also played outside the BE and won... But just for you I will just show wins and losses (4-6) to major conferences: 2008 Oklahoma #4 - (loss by 22) Virginia Tech #19 (loss by 14) 2009 Oregan State #24 (win by 10) Illinois (win by 14) Florida #5 (loss by 22) 2010 NC State (loss by 11) Oklahoma #9 (loss by 2) 2011 Tennessee (loss by 22) NC State (win by 30) Win Vanderbilt #24 (win by 7) Same question to OSU non conference? I will look up... OSU (major conferences) 3-5 2008 USC (loss by 32) Texas (loss by 3) 2009 USC (loss by 3) Oregon (win by 9) 2010 Miami (win by 12) Arkansas (win by 5) 2011 Miami (loss by 18) Florida (loss by 7)
  16. Keep in mind, I wasnt picking on OSU, I could have used dozens of other "big name football" schools. I chose them since most of htis forum is familiar with them. The point was to show that UC and the top of hte BE can 'hang' with the rest of college football and belong... not that we are superior.
  17. good thing Cincy had that bad year last year after their coaching woes to keep it closer....
  18. of course you have to bring in the skewed and random margin of victory/defeat... I see 2 bad losses, Florida... who was a hair from the NCG, and i have already stated what went on there...(wasnt this just a couple short years after Fl creamed OSU by an even larger margin?) And Oklahoma, who played in... yea the NCG game, where they were the #1 team in the nation most of hte year...
  19. back on ebay... after some non-paying assholes... http://www.ebay.com/itm/270886486778?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  20. Better than being in the ACC apparantly....
  21. By the way... a stat I like to use, since BE and my bearcats get no love: Last 4 years against the Top 25 (Because 1 bowl game doesnt say everything) OSU: 10-8 UC: 7-5 (6 less overall top 25 games played over 4 years doesnt seem like a lot to me???) Overall wins/losses last 4 years: OSU: 39-13 UC: 37-15 THey dont seem "that" far behind to me... but what do I know...
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